Play Smart Preschool Workbook Series の受賞は今回3回目です。2017年は1タイトル、2018年は3タイトルが受賞対象だったのに対し、今回は以下の全24タイトルが受賞となりました。
●Play Smart 全15タイトル
●Play Smart Wipe-off Workbooks 全6タイトル
●Play Smart Ginormous 全1タイトル/Play Time 全2タイトル
“This series of workbooks are wonderful for encouraging young children, ages 2-5 to learn skills such as problem-solving, vocabulary, early math and pre-reading.”
“Each workbook is full of developmentally appropriate activities.”
“This is a positive way to begin many learning skills.”
Play Smart Preschool Workbook Series シリーズは、35年以上日本で親しまれてきた、『学研の幼児向けワークブック(*)』をオリジナルとした英語版のワークブックです。英語版は2017年6月に9タイトルで発売をスタート。バーンズ&ノーブルや紀伊国屋書店などの書店チェーンや独立系書店、コストコ、ウォルマートなどのスーパー系チェーン、Amazon.comなどオンラインショップで販売されています。ブランドも徐々に浸透し、2019年10月現在で、累計発行部数は50万部。Amazon.comのChildren's Puzzle Booksジャンルでは常にトップ10以内にランクされるようになりました。販路は北米にとどまらず、シンガポール、マレーシア、インドネシア、ミャンマー、香港、パラグアイなど英語教育が必要とされる地域にも拡大しつつあります。
Gakken Workbooks Play Smart(学研ワークブックス プレイスマート)
発行タイトル数: 15タイトル
Play Smart Wipe-off Workbooks(プレイスマート ワイプオフ ワークブックス)
発行タイトル数: 15タイトル
Play Smart Ginormous Workbook(プレイスマート ジャイノーマス ワークブック)
発行タイトル数: 15タイトル
Play Smart Play Time(プレイスマート プレイタイム)
発行タイトル数: 15タイトル
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gakkenbooks/
Amazon(USA) https://amzn.to/327RV0e
The English language edition of Gakken’s Workbooks for Preschool Children
has been awarded by the National Parenting Product Awards for 3 consecutive years
This is the third time for the Play Smart Preschool Workbook Series to win the award. In 2017 one of our books was awarded by NAPPA, in 2018 three were, and this time all of the 24 titles below were awarded by NAPPA.
“National Parenting Product Awards” is bestowed when adjudicators judge a work as quality product to be given to children by parent out of products including book, toy, CD, DVD, application, and educational toy. The award is highly reliable award for parent and educator in the North America, because of the judgement based on the assessment of trial use of presented works by both parent and child. NAPPA winner, receive a complimentary seal with the year of win to use on packaging, in marketing, on your website, social channels and in print and online advertising.
●All 15 titles in the Play Smart Series
●All 6 Titles in the Play Smart Wipe-off Series
●The Play Smart Ginormous Book / 2 titles in the Play Time Series
Below are some comments NAPPA made in evaluating our workbooks.
“This series of workbooks are wonderful for encouraging young children, ages 2-5 to learn skills such as problem-solving, vocabulary, early math and pre-reading.”
“Each workbook is full of developmentally appropriate activities.”
“This is a positive way to begin many learning skills.”
The Play Smart Preschool Workbook Series is an original English version of “Gakken’s Workbooks for Preschool Children (*)”which has enjoyed great popularity in Japan for over 35 years. All 9 titles of the English version were released in June 2017. They are available to purchase at bookstore chains such as Barnes & Noble and Kinokuniya, at independent bookstores, at supermarket chains such as Costco and Walmart, and at online shops such as Amazon.com. Its name has been growing and, as of October 2019, five hundred thousand copies are in circulation. It has also come to occupy a constant position among the top ten books in Amazon.com’s Children’s Puzzle Books genre. In addition to the US market, the series is also expanding to many areas around the world which require English language education, including Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Hong Kong and Paraguay.
While the market penetration of our brand is still in progress, NAPPA awards are often given to major corporations from the area such as Mattel and Scholastic, so the fact that this series was chosen for an award from among such candidates is sure to contribute greatly to its name recognition. With 8 more titles scheduled for release in 2020, we are determined to continue to develop the Play Smart Preschool Workbook Series so that, even in the US, Gakken is the first name to come to mind when the topic of workbooks for preschool children comes up.
(*) “Gakken Workbooks for preschool children” was first published in 1982. It has been commonly known among Japanese readers as “Children learn more when they are having fun” for more than 35 years. Already published numbers of titles are 80 types, total numbers of publication exceed 42 million issues. The series are sold in many languages such as Chinese, Korean, Russian, and Thai besides English.
Official Website:http://www.gakken.jp/youjiw/
■Link to NAPPA website post: https://www.nappaawards.com/product/play-smart-preschool-workbook-series/
■Product Description
● Gakken Workbooks Play Smart (15titles)
Launch date: June 1, 2017
Price: US$6.99.-
Target age: 2 to 4 years old
●Play Smart Wipe-off Workbooks (6titles)
Launch date: May 1, 2018
Price: US$9.99.-
Target age: 2 to 5 years old
●Play Smart Ginormous Workbook
Launch date: May 1, 2019
Price: US$12.99
Target age: 2 to 5 years old
●Play Time (2titles)
Launch date: May 1, 2019
Price: US$7.99.-
Target age: 2 to 4 years old
■How to buy
Amazon(USA) https://amzn.to/327RV0e
Official Website:https://www.gakkenplusna.com/