(English follows)
株式会社メルカリで執行役員VP of Generative AI / LLM、株式会社ソウゾウで代表取締役CEOを務めた石川佑樹を代表とする株式会社Jizai(本社:東京都文京区、代表取締役:石川佑樹、以下:「Jizai」)は、大規模言語モデル等生成AI技術に関わるコンサルティングやプロダクトの開発・提供、及び、汎用型AIロボット(General-Purpose AI Robot)の開発を開始いたします。

一方で、生成AI・LLM技術は大きく進展しているものの、技術革新スピードに対して実際の社会価値に転換するアプリケーションはまだまだ発展途上で追いついておらず、さらに生成AI x ロボティクスの領域はまだ大半が研究段階というのが実情です。
汎用型AIロボット(General-Purpose AI Robot)とは、高度なAI技術とハードウェアを組み合わせることで、これまでのロボット以上に様々な環境に適応して汎用タスクを高い成功率で自律的に遂行できるロボットのことを指します。
*1 経済産業省「2050年までの経済社会の構造変化と政策課題について」
東京大学卒業後、2012年任天堂株式会社入社。2014年にモイ株式会社(ツイキャス)に入社し、各種開発や新規立ち上げに従事。2017年6月メルカリグループの株式会社ソウゾウ(旧)に入社。その後、株式会社メルカリへ異動を経て、2020年7月より株式会社メルペイ執行役員VP of Product。2021年1月から株式会社ソウゾウ代表取締役CEO。2022年7月から株式会社メルカリ執行役員VPを兼任。2023年5月から株式会社メルカリ執行役員 VP of Generative AI / LLM。2024年6月にメルカリを退職し、株式会社Jizaiを創業。

代表者:代表取締役CEO 石川 佑樹
所在地:東京都文京区向丘2-3-10 東大前HiRAKU GATE
Yuki Ishikawa, Former VP of Generative AI / LLM at Mercari, Establishes New Company Jizai. Launching Generative AI Product Development, Consulting, and General-Purpose AI Robot Development.
Jizai, Inc. (Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, CEO Yuki Ishikawa, hereafter "Jizai"), led by Yuki Ishikawa, former Executive Officer VP of Generative AI / LLM at Mercari, Inc. and CEO of Souzoh, Inc., announces the commencement of development of General-Purpose AI Robot, as well as the provision of consulting services and product development related to Generative AI technologies, including Large Language Models.

In Japan and other developed countries, rapid aging populations and declining workforces are becoming serious social issues. Japan's population is predicted to decrease to about 100 million by 2050, with an accelerating decline in the working-age population ratio (*1). This demographic change may lead to labor shortages in various fields, lack of support for the daily lives of increasing elderly populations, increased burden of housework and childcare due to the rise in dual-income households, and potentially slower economic growth.
AI and robotics are considered potential solutions to these challenges. Productivity improvements through Generative AI could significantly boost GDP over a decade, with even greater effects expected when combined with robotics.
However, while Generative AI and LLM technologies are advancing rapidly, applications that convert this into actual social value are still developing, and most of the Generative AI x robotics field is still at the research stage.
Jizai was established as a company to create social value by dramatically advancing cutting-edge technology exploration and social implementation. We aim to solve various social issues in Japan and globally by quickly implementing world-class research technologies from AI and robotics papers, and using real data from customers and markets to further improve AI and explore technologies.
■About General-Purpose AI Robot
General-Purpose AI Robot refer to robots that can autonomously perform general tasks with high success rates in various environments, beyond conventional robots, by combining advanced AI technology with hardware.
Jizai will develop flexible and adaptive robot control compared to conventional robots, using control by large language models (LLM) and vision-language models (VLM).
By researching and developing hardware that enables control and task execution through multimodal AI, we aim to realize General-Purpose AI Robot.
*1 Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry "Structural Changes in the Economic Society and Policy Issues up to 2050"
<CEO Yuki Ishikawa Profile>
After graduating from the University of Tokyo, Yuki joined Nintendo Co., Ltd. in 2012. In 2014, he joined Moi Inc. (TwitCasting), engaging in various development and new business launches. He joined Souzoh, Inc. (former) of the Mercari Group in June 2017. After transferring to Mercari, Inc., he became Executive Officer VP of Product at Merpay, Inc. in July 2020. From January 2021, he served as CEO of Souzoh, Inc. In July 2022, he concurrently assumed the position of Executive Officer VP at Mercari, Inc. From May 2023, he became Executive Officer VP of Generative AI / LLM at Mercari, Inc. He left Mercari in June 2024 and founded Jizai, Inc.

<Company Overview>
Company Name: Jizai
Representative: Yuki Ishikawa
Location: Todai-mae HiRAKU GATE, 2-3-10 Mukaigaoka, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
Business Overview: Development, provision, and consulting of advanced technology services such as Generative AI and robotics Corporate
Website: http://jizai.ai/
<Inquiries regarding this matter>
Company name: Jizai, Inc.
Contact person: PR Representative
E-Mail: info@jizai.ai