オフィス・サポートのキャリアを追求すべき3つの理由/3 reasons an office support career makes sense


【東京2013年11月19日】後々外注に委託されて仕事がなくなるようなことは決してなく、最前線のビジネスマインドに触れることができ、優れた業績の多国籍企業あるいは躍進する中小企業でキャリアを見つけたい ―― それなら、オフィス・サポートのエキスパートになる道を探してみることです。/19 November, 2013      Looking for a job that will never be outsourced, gives you access to the leading business minds and allows you to work in either successful multinationals or thriving SMEs? Then consider a career as an office support professional.

人材紹介会社のヘイズ・スペシャリスト・リクルートメント・ジャパン株式会社(本社:東京都港区、リージョナル・ディレクター、ジョナサン・サンプソン、以下ヘイズ・ジャパン)のリージョナル・ディレクター、ジョナサン・サンプソンは次のように述べています。「オフィス・サポートのエキスパートは常に刺激を受けながら長年に渡ってキャリアを積むことができます。オフィス・サポートという仕事は必ずしもドライ・クリーニングの受け取りをしたり、コーヒーを入れたりする仕事ではなく、めまぐるしく変化し続けるビジネスの世界の只中に身を置き、その最前線に留まることのできる仕事です。誰をサポートするのかによって、1日たりとも同じ日はありません。違う国やタイムゾーンの人たちとの会議を設定したり、カンファレンス用に機器や商品サンプルを手配したり、イベントをスムーズに進行させたり、議事録を取ったり、スケジュールを管理したり、職場の安全衛生の責任者になったり、イントラネットやインターネットサイトにコンテンツをアップしたり ―― さらに、オフィス内で言語や文化の違いを橋渡しする役目を期待されるかもしれません。唯一確かなことは、その役割が多岐に渡っているということです。実際、経験を積めば積むほど与えられる責任の範囲が広がっていくのが普通で、ビジネスオペレーションのさまざまな重要な局面で、自らが判断を下す立場になることもよくあります」。



1. 簡単に代わりがきかない

2. 常にトップのビジネスマインドに触れて仕事をすることができる


3. 優れた業績の多国籍企業でも躍進する中小企業でも仕事が見つかる





朝倉 03-3560-2813


19 November, 2013

“Office support professionals enjoy long and exciting careers,” says Jonathan Sampson, Regional Director of Hays in Japan. “It is not necessarily about collecting dry cleaning or making coffee, a career in office support keeps you front and centre in our fast-paced business world.

“Depending on who you support, no two days are the same. You might plan meetings in different countries and time zones, organise the logistics of transporting equipment or product samples for a conference, ensure an event runs smoothly, take minutes, manage diaries, take ownership of occupational health and safety or load content onto intranet and internet sites. On top of this, you might be expected to interpret differences of language and culture amongst people in your office. The only certainty is that the role is varied. In fact, the more experience you develop, the more responsibility you are often given to the point where you are the key decision maker for a number of important aspects of business operations.”

According to Jonathan, the career path is fairly standard. “Typically you start out as an office junior and as you gain experience, prove yourself and your skills base grows, you move up into more demanding support roles. Even if you leave a company, your skills would be appreciated in other companies regardless its industry. That is a nature of office support professionals.”

But it’s not only the variety that makes office support an attractive role. According to Hays Office Professionals there are three other factors worth considering:

1. It’s not easy to be replaced:
Every department needs an Administrator, every senior manager has an Executive Assistant, every reception area needs a reliable Receptionist and every office needs an Office Manager. Office support enables every meeting to take place, every deal to be won and every executive to lead. It’s not easy to be replaced or off shored as so many multiple tasks are involved.

2. You can work alongside the leading business minds:
With hard work, a good attitude and a solid base of skills and experience, you can climb the corporate ladder and become the right-hand of the executive/s you support. Supporting at C-suite level means you are usually always on call, but you are also privy to how such executives operate, what makes them successful and you can pre-empt their needs. It can be inspiring to work in such an environment.

In addition, an executive will trust their good office support to stand in for them whenever they are away, which gives you an opportunity to gain valuable experience.

3. You can work inside successful multinationals or thriving SMEs:
By working side-by-side with executives, you keep on top of what is happening in the market and develop good business acumen. Importantly, office support is a necessary function in every office large or small, so you will always find an organisation that is the right fit for you and where you can best thrive.

Hays Office Professionals is a division of Hays, and is the expert in recruiting administration and office management staff across a range of industries and professions. Our expertise includes recruiting for office managers, executive secretaries, secretaries, administration managers, customer service managers, group secretaries, project administrators, data entry operators, filing clerks, legal assistants, administrators and receptionists.

Hays, the world’s leading recruiting experts in qualified, professional and skilled people.

For further information please contact Keiko Asakura, Marketing Manager of Hays in Japan on +81 03 3560 2813 or Keiko.Asakura@hays.co.jp

About Hays
Hays is the leading global specialist recruiting group. It is the expert at recruiting qualified, professional and skilled people worldwide.

Hays Specialist Recruitment Japan KK ("Hays") is the largest foreign recruitment company in Japan and operates across the private sector, dealing in permanent positions, contract roles and temporary assignments. Hays has been in Japan for more than a decade, and boasts a track record of success and growth.

Hays is the only foreign recruitment company in Japan to operate specialist business units composed of professionals with experience and expertise in the sectors they cover. Hays Japan’s thirteen specialisms span Accountancy & Finance, Banking, Finance Technology, Human Resources, Hays Resource Management, Information Technology, Insurance, Legal, Life Sciences, Office Professionals, Property, Sales & Marketing and Supply Chain.

Hays is also the only foreign recruitment company in Japan to operate three local offices, serving the Kanto region from Akasaka and Shinjuku, and Kansai from central Osaka.

Hays Japan is the local representative office for Hays plc, which is a global company with more than 7,840 staff operating from 239 offices in 33 countries across 20 specialisms.

Hays operates in the following countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Chile, China, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UAE, the UK and the USA.


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