OUI Inc.が、国際金融公社(IFC)のTechEmerge Health East Africaに採択
今後はIFCの支援を受けながら、当社が開発したSmart Eye Camera(SEC)を使い、ケニアの地方部と都市部をつないだ眼科遠隔診断モデルの構築に取り組んで参ります。
【TechEmerge Health East Africaについて】
IFCが主催するTechEmerge Health East Africaは、世界のテクノロジー企業(医療テクノロジー・医療機器等)と東アフリカ(ケニア,ウガンダ,エチオピア)の主要ヘルスケアプロバイダーをマッチングさせ,パイロット事業を支援する事業を行なっています。
テクノロジー企業は、世界50か国から415の応募があり、その中からOUI Inc.を含めた11か国17企業が現地医療機関と協働して提案した20のパイロットプロジェクトが、IFCの支援対象として採択されました。
日本企業で採択されたのは、OUI Inc.が唯一となります。
※ 採択されたパイロットプロジェクト一覧(英文)
※IFC TechEmerge Health East Africa ウェブサイト(英文)
※ IFCウェブサイト(日本語)
【OUI Inc.とSmart Eye Camera (SEC)について】
OUI Inc.は“医療を成長させる”ことを理念に、慶應義塾大学医学部の眼科医が2016年7月に立ち上げた大学発のベンチャー企業です。 眼科の診察を可能にする iPhone アタッチメント型医療機器 SEC をゼロから開発し、約1年半で完成させました。
Smart Eye Camera (SEC)の外観
OUI Inc.(ウイインク:株式会社OUI)は、慶應義塾大学医学部の眼科医が起業した大学発のベンチャー企業です。“医療を成長させる”ことをミッションに、現役医師の知見や技術を全ての医療現場に還元することで、常に医療を成長させ続け、最高の医療サービスを創造します。
会社名:OUI Inc. (株式会社OUI)
本社所在地:東京都新宿区新宿1-36-2 新宿第7葉山ビル3F
【English Translation】
OUI Inc. selected by IFC's TechEmerge Health East Africa
-Building new ophthalmic Remote Diagnosis Model to Connect Rural and Urban Areas in Kenya-
OUI Inc. a Japanese medical startup founded by ophthalmologists from Keio University School of Medicine, has been selected by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) for TechEmerge Health East Africa.
With the support of the IFC, we will continue to work on the development of new remote diagnosis model for ophthalmology that connects rural and urban areas in Kenya using the Smart Eye Camera (SEC) that we have developed, collaborating with our local partner, Gertrude's Children's Hospital.
About TechEmerge Health East Africa
The International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, is the world's largest international development institution focused on private sector development in developing countries.
TechEmerge Health East Africa, organized by the IFC, matches technology companies from around the world (medical technology, medical devices, etc.) with major healthcare providers in East Africa (Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia) to support pilot projects.
This is a mutually beneficial collaboration in which healthcare providers in East Africa can expect to improve their medical services through technology, and technology companies can receive support to start their business in East Africa.
Among the 415 applications from technology companies from 50 countries, 17 companies from 11 countries, including OUI Inc., proposed 20 pilot projects in collaboration with local medical institutions, which were selected for IFC support.
OUI Inc. is the only Japanese company to be selected.
With the support of the IFC grant, selected pilot projects will be undertaken in collaboration with local medical institutions and healthcare providers.
※The selected pilot projects in TechEmerge Health East Africa
※IFC TechEmerge Health East Africa website
About OUI Inc. and Smart Eye Camera(SEC)
OUI Inc. is Japanese medical startup founded by ophthalmologists from Keio University School of Medicine in July 2016 with the mission of "contribute to the growth of medicine".
We developed SEC, a smartphone attachment medical device that enables to diagnose anterior segment of the eye, from scratch and completed it in about a year and a half.
Cataracts are the number one cause of world blindness SEC is a small medical device that attaches to the smartphone, enabling eye examinations in any location, including areas without electricity/under natural disaster.
Smart Eye Camera (SEC)
Currently, there are 36 million blind people in the world, and it is reported that the number will increase to 120 million in 2050, 30 years from now. From 2019, we have started pilot projects of SEC in countries such as Vietnam, Mongolia, Zambia, Malawi and the Democratic Republic of Congo, where many patients are suffering from difficulty in access to eyecare. In April 2020, we joined the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB). We aim to reduce blindness by 50% worldwide by 2025 by promoting SEC both in Japan and worldwide.
Local medical staff diagnosing a patient in rural clinic Malawi
Company Information
OUI Inc. is Japanese Medical startup founded by ophthalmologists from Keio University School of Medicine. With a mission to "contribute to the growth of medicine," OUI Inc. will continue to create the best medical services by returning the knowledge and skills of professional medical doctors to all medical fields.
Company Name: OUI Inc.
Website: https://ouiinc.jp/en
Direction: 3F, 1-36-2, Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, 160-0022 Tokyo, JAPAN
CEO: Dr. Eisuke SHIMIZU, MD, PhD
Founded: 15th July, 2016
Contact: Shintaro Nakayama, VP of Global Business (pr@ouiinc.jp)