Make Your Hospitalized and Cared Days More Fashionable!
Hospital Wear Having Well-design and Smart Functionality Starts to Receive Pre-order for Shipping in April.
▼プレスリリース / Press Release *in Japanese and English.* https://prtimes.jp/a/?f=d54309-20200225-4797.pdf
Minzine, Inc. (Head Office: Toshima-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Kiyonori Oinuma) whose mission is to mentally and physically enrich elderly's hospitalized and cared lives starts to receive the pre-order of our hospital and care wear, “Everyone’s Hospital Wear” having both “well-design” and “smart functions.” This concept is the first in Japan’s healthcare industry.
「みんなの入院着」は、東京都が主催するビジネスプランコンテスト「TOKYO STARTUP GATEWAY2019」(応募総数1,803件)でファイナリスト10件に選出。2019年12月1日(日)開催の最終審査会では来場者約400名による共感投票の中で最多票を獲得した人に授与される「オーディエンス賞」を受賞しました。
On December 1st, our brand won Audience Award of Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s Business Contest, “TOKYO STARTUP GATEWAY 2019” among 10 finalists elected from 1,803 applicants. Audience Award is granted for a business idea that gains the most votes from 400 audiences.
In addition, on February 15th, our product won the first prize in a startup pitch contest held by Tokyo Metropolitan Government and TV Tokyo, “TOKYO STARTUP DEGAWA 2020.” All of 3 judges rated our product the best, and Chairman Mr. Degawa said “I would like to support Mr. Oinuma’s dream.” After the TV show, Everyone’s Hospital Wear website got 1,600 views, which showed that many people hope that our product will make innovations in super-aged Japan’s society.
Now, the number of people who request this product has reached 100; therefore, to meet the requests, Minzine, Inc. decide to open the website of Everyone’s Hospital Wear and start to receive the limited pre-orders from 20 customers. Three items are planned to be provided in April: women’s cache-coeur dress and jacket and men’s jacket.
Japan is an advanced country in terms of the aging population. Through the hospital wear that enriches the mental and physical life of the elderly and their family supports hospitalized life with dignity, “Everyone’s Hospital Wear” strive to turn the challenges such as elderly care, battle against disease, and terminal care into positive experience.
1. 高齢者の「選びたい・装いたい・人に見せたい」という衣服への欲求を解放し、生きる意欲を高める
2. 病院、施設、自宅にある衣生活のバリアを無くし、高齢者がどこでも自分らしくいられる環境を創る
3. 衣服を通じて家族と入院高齢者の心をつなぎ、闘病、介護、死後の日々を互いに後悔ないものにする
4. 地域との調和とともに、入院、介護の日々を彩り豊かで開放的なものにし、高齢社会の未来に貢献する
Our Vision
1. Satisfy elderly’s desire to choose their clothes, enjoy dressing, and see the ones they love with their favorite clothes.
2. By removing clothing barriers in hospital, care center, and home, make it possible for elderly to be themselves anywhere.
3. By connecting elderly’s and their family’s hearts by clothes, reduce regrets for their elderly care, battle against disease, and terminal care.
4. Harmonizing with a local community, change hospitalized and cared lives to be more colorful and cooperative and contribute to aged and aging societies.
Basic Functions of Everyone’s Hospital Wear
・Easy to take on and off even in lying down
Snap buttons from a shoulder to a sleeve enable to take on and off a cloth in lying on a bed.
・Easy to put arm in a cast or with an IV drip through sleeve
Wide sleeves are easy to put arms in a cast or with an IV drip through.
・Length adjustable sleeves
Sleeves’ lengths can be changed according to room temperature also in order to prevent the sleeves from being dirty with food.
・Wide waist and beautiful silhouette
Wide waist is comfortable for elders even whose abdomen become bigger.
High-waist of cache-coeur dress covers the abdomen and make beautiful silhouette of clothing.
・Pockets on right and left sides
Each pocket in right and left side is enough size for smartphone, wallet, book, and handkerchief.
商品詳細 / Item Details

(a) 女性用: カシュクールドレス ピンク / パープル |
(b) 女性用: 上衣 ピンク / パープル |
(c) 男性用: 上衣 (デザイン調整中) |
(a) Women’s Cache-coeur dress Pink / Purple |
(b) Women’s Jacket Pink / Purple |
(c) Men’s Jacket (TBD) |
ウェブサイト・SNS / Website and SNS
It all began with the hospital life of my late father who passed away on January 2, 2019.
After spending 5 years at a spacious care center, my father was moved to the mental hospital near his house because of the onset of Alzheimer’s dementia in November 2017. He spent 13 months there. The cold and bland hospital wear given to my father by the hospital looked like prisoner’s uniform in my eyes. Even though his cognitive functions were already on decline, I was sad to let him offhandedly put that clothes on. What was more, my mother was a teacher of dressmaking. As a fashion professional, she simply could not stand seeing him in such bad-looking clothes. After my father died, I decided to develop a hospital dress having both well-design and smart functionality.
▼English Full text:
笈沼 清紀 / おいぬま きよのり
- 楽天、JINS、KDDIにて計7年間、Eコマースの戦略立案と事業開発に従事。それ以前は、SMBC日興証券にて4年間、M&Aアドバイザリー業務に、日本総合研究所にて4年間、ITコンサルティング業務に従事
- Hult International Business School 2013 MBA
- 東京都主催「TOKYO STARTUP GATEWAY 2019」ファイナリスト・オーディエンス賞受賞
- 経歴詳細: https://www.linkedin.com/in/koinuma
CEO Profile
Kiyonori Oinuma (Nori)
Nori started his own business in 2019, after +7 years professional career in e-commerce strategy planning and business developing in Rakuten, JINS, and KDDI. Before that, +4 years financial expert career as M&A advisory in an investment bank, SMBC Nikko and +4years IT consultant career in Japan Research Institute.
Winner of Audience Award in “TOKYO STARTUP GATEWAY 2019.”
First prize in “TOKYO STARTUP DEGAWA 2020.”
Career details: https://www.linkedin.com/in/koinuma
▼プレスリリース / Press Release *in Japanese and English.*