Jizai、世界最大級のテクノロジー見本市「CES 2025」に出展。「カスタマイズできる汎用AIロボット”Mi-Mo(ミーモ)”」初号機を展示
(English follows)
生成AI・AIロボットの社会実装を進める株式会社Jizai(本社:東京都文京区、代表取締役CEO 石川佑樹、以下「Jizai」)は、2025年1月7日から10日まで米国・ラスベガスにて開催される世界最大級のテクノロジー見本市「CES 2025」にて、開発中の自社ロボット「カスタマイズできる汎用AIロボット”Mi-Mo(ミーモ)”」初号機を出展することをお知らせします。

Jizaiは、このたび独立行政法人日本貿易振興機構(ジェトロ)の厳正なる選考ならびに主催者であるCTAの審査を経て、「CES 2025」に出展することが決定いたしました。限定エリア「Eureka Park」に設置する「Japanパビリオン」のJizaiのブースにて、Jizaiが開発中の「カスタマイズできる汎用AIロボット”Mi-Mo(ミーモ)”」初号機を展示、体験いただけます。また、会期中に開催される3つのメディアイベント「LaunchIT」「Unveiled」「ShowStoppers」への出展・登壇も決定いたしました。
「CES 2025」「Japanパビリオン」概要

日程:2025年1月5日 14:00~16:00(PST)
場所:Mandalay Bay Convention Center 3rd Floor Palm A Ballroom
場所:Mandalay Bay Convention Center 2nd Floor Shoreline Exhibit Hall
場所:Bellagio Hotel and Casino Grand Ballroom
Jizaiは、急速な少子高齢化や労働力人口の減少などの課題に対して、AIソリューション/AI SaaS事業・AIロボット事業など生成AI・ロボット領域の社会実装を行います。また、マルチモーダルAIによる制御とタスクの遂行を可能にするハードウエアを研究・開発することで、汎用AIロボットの実現を目指します。
代表者:代表取締役CEO 石川 佑樹
所在地:東京都文京区向丘2-3-10 東大前HiRAKU GATE
Jizai to Exhibit at CES 2025, World's Largest Technology Trade Show, Showcasing First Model of "Mi-Mo," a Customizable General-Purpose AI Robot
Jizai, Inc. (Headquarters: Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Yuki Ishikawa), a company advancing the social implementation of Generative AI and AI robots, announces that it will exhibit the first model of its in-development "Mi-Mo" customizable General-Purpose AI robot at CES 2025, one of the world's largest technology trade shows, to be held in Las Vegas, USA from January 7-10, 2025.

Following rigorous selection by the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) and review by the event organizer CTA, Jizai has been chosen to exhibit at CES 2025. Visitors can view and experience the first model of Jizai's in-development "Mi-Mo" customizable General-Purpose AI robot at the Jizai booth within the "Japan Pavilion" located in the exclusive "Eureka Park" area. Additionally, Jizai has been selected to participate in three media events: "LaunchIT," "Unveiled," and "ShowStoppers."
CES 2025 "Japan Pavilion" Overview
Dates: January 7 (Tuesday) - January 10 (Friday), 2025
Venue: Las Vegas, USA
CES Official Website: https://www.ces.tech/
Exhibition Area: https://www.freemanco.com/forms/531815/venetian_hallg_target_move-in.pdf
Exhibitor List: https://www.jetro.go.jp/newsletter/ivd/2024/CES2025_CompanyList.pdf
Exhibition Details (First Model of "Mi-Mo" Customizable General-Purpose AI Robot)
Visitors can view and experience the first model of Jizai's in-development "Mi-Mo" customizable General-Purpose AI robot.

Detailed information about the "Mi-Mo" customizable General-Purpose AI robot will be announced in early 2025.
Media Events "LaunchIT," "Unveiled," and "ShowStoppers" Overview
Date: January 5, 2025, 14:00-16:00 (PST)
Location: Mandalay Bay Convention Center 3rd Floor Palm A Ballroom
Date: January 5, 2025 (Sunday), 17:00-20:30 (PST)
Location: Mandalay Bay Convention Center 2nd Floor Shoreline Exhibit Hall
Date: January 7, 2025 (Tuesday), 18:00-22:00 (PST)
Location: Bellagio Hotel and Casino Grand Ballroom
About Jizai, Inc.
Jizai implements AI solutions/AI SaaS businesses and AI robot businesses in the fields of Generative AI and robotics to address challenges such as rapid population aging and declining workforce. By researching and developing hardware that enables control and task execution through multimodal AI, the company aims to realize General-Purpose AI robots.
Company Name: Jizai, Inc.
Representative: CEO Yuki Ishikawa
Location: Todaimae HiRAKU GATE, 2-3-10 Mukaigaoka, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
Established: June 2024
Business Description: Planning, development, and provision of advanced technology services such as Generative AI and robotics
Corporate Website: http://jizai.ai/