アーティランプス(ArtiLamps)、フィリップ・バットンシェフ / クリストフ・ポコシェフ協力のもと、来店証明NFTの配布サービスを開始


「食×web3」関連事業を展開するアーティランプス株式会社(代表取締役CEO:藤澤勇哉)は、Le Petit Tonneau(ル・プティ・トノー)のフィリップ・バットンシェフ(Chef Philippe Batton)、LUGDUNUM Bouchon Lyonnais(ルグドゥノム・ブション・リヨネ)のクリストフ・ポコシェフ(Chef Christophe Paucod)と協力し、両レストランにて来店証明NFTの配布を開始することをお知らせいたします。



ル・プティ・トノー(Le Petit Tonneau)




フィリップ・バットン(Philippe Batton)



一度はパリへ戻るものの90年に再来日。95年からは東京の「エブリーヌ」でシェフディレクターとして抜擢され、さらに活躍の場を広げている。また、当時の人気テレビ番組「料理の鉄人」に出演し、フレンチの鉄人 坂井シェフに勝利したことで、評判はますます高まった。その他、テレビ番組に多数出演。





【メディア】 https://www.youtube.com/@lacuisinedephilippebatton7714


ルグドゥノム・ブション・リヨネ(LUGDUNUM Bouchon Lyonnais)



豚の耳を混ぜ込んだトースト入りのリヨン風サラダ、温製の自家製ピスタチオ入りソーセージなどの前菜、モゥリセットお母さんスタイルのクネル ナンチュアソース、タブリエ・ドゥ・サプール、ブーダン・ノワールとリンゴのタタン、アンドゥイエット マスタードソースなどの定番料理、食事を締めくくるラム酒風味のババ、レグリース風味のクレームブリュレ、柑橘サラダとフロマージュ・ブランのソルベ…


クリストフ・ポコ(Christophe Paucod)















【会社名】アーティランプス株式会社(ArtiLamps, Inc.)


【代表者名】代表取締役CEO 藤澤勇哉

【事業内容】ブロックチェーン・NFTに関するコンサルティング、システム開発、企画運用、研究開発 / SaaSの開発及び提供


ArtiLamps, in collaboration with Chef Philippe Batton and Chef Christophe Paucod, is starting a distribution service for proof-of-visit NFTs.

ArtiLamps, Inc. (Founder/CEO: Yuya Fujisawa), which operates in the "Food x web3" industry, is pleased to announce the launch of a proof-of-visit NFT distribution service in collaboration with Chef Philippe

Batton of Le Petit Tonneau and Chef Christophe Paucod of LUGDUNUM Bouchon Lyonnais.

We are committed to leveraging new technologies actively in order to create forward-thinking

restaurants that align with the rapidly changing times. By exploring the compatibility with web3, we aim to lead the restaurant industry and contribute to the development of culinary culture in Japan and

around the world.

Collaborating Restaurant 1

Le Petit Tonneau

Le Petit Tonneau is a bistro with a French atmosphere, focusing on wine and cuisine. It has received

favorable reviews for offering authentic dishes at affordable prices.

You can enjoy meals according to your time and mood, such as simple but profound lunch menus that create an elegant lunchtime atmosphere, à la carte options where you can choose as much as you like, and dinner courses where you can indulge in their proud dishes.

The restaurant also hosts regular music events featuring musicians, allowing guests to enjoy

professional music and exquisite French cuisine simultaneously, which is a unique charm of Le Petit Tonneau.

Philippe Batton

Philippe Batton was born on April 8, 1963, in Paris, France. At the age of 16, he entered the culinary

world and apprenticed under Chef Bernard Noel, the head chef of the restaurant "La Tour de


He gained experience working at prestigious establishments such as the 4-star hotel "Hotel George V" and "Manoir de Paris" in Paris. In 1986, he made his first visit to Japan, which sparked his interest in

the country.

Although he initially returned to Paris, he came back to Japan in 1990. From 1995, he was appointed

as the chef director at "Evelyne" in Tokyo, further expanding his career. He gained even more popularity by appearing on the popular TV show "Iron Chef" and winning against the French Iron Chef,

Chef Sakai. He has also made numerous appearances on television programs.

His contributions to spreading French culture widely overseas have been highly recognized, and he

was awarded “the Prix du Mérite Agricole” by the French government.

He continues to be actively involved in bridging Japanese and French cuisine and operates a YouTube channel to promote typical French family recipes in Japan, regularly updating its content.



Collaborating Restaurant 2

LUGDUNUM Bouchon Lyonnais

LUGDUNUM Bouchon Lyonnais has gained strong support as a restaurant where you can enjoy

authentic Lyon cuisine. It has been awarded the Michelin one-star rating for 12 consecutive years since 2011.

They emphasize "bringing out the true flavors of ingredients" and have impressed many food

enthusiasts with their modernized Lyon dishes.

They offer a variety of exquisite Lyon dishes such as Lyon-style salad with toast containing pig's ears, warm homemade sausages with pistachios, Moulesettes in Nantua sauce, Tablier de Sapeur, Boudin

Noir and apple Tatin, Andouillette with mustard sauce, as well as classic dishes to finish your meal,

such as Baba with rum flavor and Crème Brûlée with the taste of Légrièse, citrus salad, and fromage

blanc sorbet.

Their exceptional Lyon dishes provide a special dining experience.

Christophe Paucod

Christophe Paucod was born on January 21, 1973, in Vénissieux. He began his career as a chef at the age of 15 and worked as an apprentice under Gilles Tournadre at the Michelin 2-star restaurant "GILL" in Rouen.

He then gained experience by training under Chef Gerard Sallé, the head chef of "Hotel Deauville" in

Normandy, as well as renowned French chefs who have been awarded the highest honors, such as

Chef Manuel Martinez, Chef Emile Tabourdiau, and Chef Gabriel Biscay.

In 1998, he fell in love with Japan and came to the country. He has held positions as a culinary school

instructor and the executive chef at Sofitel Tokyo, among others.

In 2007, to fulfill his wish of owning his own restaurant, he opened "LUGDUNUM Bouchon Lyonnais" in Kagurazaka, Tokyo. The restaurant has been awarded the Michelin one-star rating for 12 consecutive

years since 2011.

He has also won numerous awards for his culinary skills as a chef. While working as a chef, he actively participates in culinary associations, organizations, and cooking schools.



Overview of Proof-of-Visit NFTs:

As a proof of enjoying fine dining and special moments at the restaurant, the proof-of-visit NFTs will

be exclusively distributed to guests. We conceived this service with the aim of contributing to the

fusion of the restaurant industry and web3 technology.

We are extremely honored to have the collaboration of top chefs who excel at promoting foreign

cultures in Japan, far away from their home country of France.

We hope that the distribution of proof-of-visit NFTs will serve as an opportunity for you to indulge in

authentic French cuisine. Since NFTs can be received on smartphones, please be sure to receive them when you visit. The distribution is scheduled to begin in August, and we will make another

announcement at that time.

■ Overview of ArtiLamps, Inc.

[Company Name] ArtiLamps, Inc.

[Established] December 2020

[Representative] Yuya Fujisawa, CEO

[Business Activities] Consulting, system development, planning and operation, research and

development related to blockchain and NFTs / Development and provision of SaaS

[Corporate Website] https://www.artilamps.com





東京都中央区銀座1-12-4 N&E BLD.6F