Let the heartbeat of Shika Town resonate! "Shika Town Original Taiko Music" Project
Fusion of Town Revitalization through well-being, entertainment, festival and community
Seien Gakuen Educational Corporation (located in Kanazawa city, Ishikawa prefecture, president: Yoichiro Aoki), which celebrates its 50th anniversary, will hold the 25th “Kore demo ka! Taiko” at the Shika-town Cultural Hall on Sunday, November 10, 2024. In cooperation with the Fukuoka-based taiko team “WAGAKUDAN JAPAN MARVELOUS” and general association “Samurai Art”, there will be carrying out the "Shika Town Original Taiko Music" project.
(石川県金沢市にて創立50年を迎えた学校法人清永学園(所在:石川県金沢市 理事長:青木陽一良 学校名:金沢福祉専門学校)は、能登半島地震で被災された石川県志賀町の皆さまの絆と元気を取り戻すため、2024年11月10日(日)志賀町文化ホールにて開催する「第25回 これでもか!太鼓」で、福岡県を拠点とする和太鼓を中心としたチーム「和楽団ジャパンマーベラス」「一般社団法人サムライアート」と協力し、復興応援として、「志賀町オリジナル太鼓楽曲」プロジェクトを実施します。)
"Shika Town Original Taiko Music" project involves providing original songs by Shika Taiko Community and includes taiko practices with members of the community before the event. At the festival, the group will perform a collaborative piece of music, which will be played in front of big audience from Shika Town and beyond, with the aim of restoring bonds and vitality to the town.
In the mid-July, Mr. Nishiguchi, the leader of the Warakudan Japan Marvelous started teaching taiko to the teams formed in Shika Taiko Community. They are practicing daily in the preparation for the event.
In addition, Wagakudan Japan Marvelous plans to perform in the Republic of Azerbaijan, located on the Eurasian continent and with which Shika Town has friendly relations, as a bridge for multicultural exchange.
<Reference link>
・Cultural exchange between Shika Town and the Republic of Azerbaijan
[Shika Taiko Association is currently running a crowdfunding campaign!]
Shika town is running a crowdfunding campaign for this project to help rebuild the city. Your support and cooperation are highly appreciated.
An original song for the "Shika Taiko Community, the only one of its kind in the world." is to be created and performed at the festival as a symbol of the town's recovery and new hope. Festival aims to create a moment when the local community comes together and unites in spirit with the sound of the taiko drums.
To ensure that the memory of this disaster is not forgotten, local communities will continue to support the recovery of Noto, including Shika Town, from next fiscal year onwards.
25th “Kore demo ka! Taiko” Event Outline
Date: Sunday, November 10, 2024
Doors open: 12:40 p.m. Show starts: 1:00 p.m.
Location: Shikamachi Cultural Hall
(Address: Ishikawa Prefecture, Usaku-gun, Shikamachi, Takahama-cho Ka 1)
「第25回 これでもか!太鼓」開催概要
開場時間:12時40分 開演時間:13時~
<Reference link>
・Shika Town, Ishikawa Prefecture Website: https://www.town.shika.lg.jp/
・Wagakudan Japan Marvelous Website:http://japanmarvelous.com/
・General association of “Samurai Art”
・Kanazawa Welfare College Website: https://k-fukushi.ac.jp/
■Contact for this matter
・Inquiries regarding the press release
Kanazawa Welfare College,
Seiei Gakuen Educational Corporation
External Affairs Department, Mr. Takeda
TEL: 076-242-1625
Email: info@k-fukushi.ac.jp
学校法人清永学園 金沢福祉専門学校
対外事業部 武田