リスク計測テクノロジーズ株式会社がPlug and Play JapanのWinter / Spring 2021 Hardtech & Health Batchに採択されました
ヘルステック×リスクテックで革新的なソリューションを提供するリスク計測テクノロジーズ株式会社(本社:横浜市中区、代表取締役:岡崎貫治、以下「RimTech」)は、Plug and Play Japan 株式会社(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役社長:ヴィンセント・フィリップ、以下 Plug and Play Japan)が2020年12月〜2021年3月期で実施するアクセラレータープログラムであるWinter / Spring 2021 Batchの「Hardtech & Health」に採択されました。
Plug and Play Japanについて
Plug and Play は革新的な技術やアイディアを持つスタートアップを大手企業とともに支援していく世界トップレベルのグローバル・ベンチャーキャピタル/アクセラレーターです。Plug and Play Japanは日本と世界のグローバル・イノベーション・エコシステムの架け橋となる、イノベーションプラットフォームで、2017年7月に設立されました。
Plug and Play Japan
URL: http://japan.plugandplaytechcenter.com/
Winter/Spring 2021 Hardtech & Health Batch
Plug and Play Japanが実施するアクセラレータプログラムです。先進的かつ優れたスタートアップを、ヘルスケア業界に革新をもたらしたい大企業と繋げます。ヘルスケア領域の中でも、特に臨床診療、データ分析改善、デジタル健康技術に焦点を当てています。
Winter/Spring 2021 Batch
URL: http://japan.plugandplaytechcenter.com/batch/overview-ja/
Winter/Spring 2021 Batchでは、6テーマ(IoT、Fintech、Insurtech、Mobility、Brand & Retail、Hardtech & Health)に新拠点、Plug and Play Osaka でのSmartCities が加わり、合計7テーマとなっています。Plug and Play の審査及びコーポレートパートナーによる書類審査やプレゼンテーションによる審査が実施され、最終的に103社が採択されました。
RimTechは、Winter/Spring 2021 Hardtech & Health Batchを活用し、大企業との連携を通じて、ヘルスケアとリスクマネジメントを有機的に結合させた新しいソリューションの開発を加速させます。
URL: https://rimtech.co.jp/
Risk Measurement Technologies Co., Ltd. has been selected for Winter / Spring 2021 Hardtech & Health Batch of Plug and Play Japan.
Risk Measurement Technologies Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Naka-ku, Yokohama, CEO: Kanji Okazaki, hereinafter “RimTech”), which provides innovative solutions with HealthTech x RiskTech, has been selected for Winter / Spring 2021 Hardtech & Health Batch which is an accelerator program implemented by Plug and Play Japan Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya Ward, Tokyo, President: Vincent Philip, hereinafter Plug and Play Japan) from December 2020 to March 2021.
Plug and Play Japan
Plug and Play is a world-class global venture capital / accelerator that supports startups with innovative technologies and ideas together with major companies. Plug and Play Japan is an innovation platform that bridges the global innovation ecosystem of Japan and the world and was established in July 2017.
Plug and Play Japan
URL: http://japan.plugandplaytechcenter.com/
Winter/Spring 2021 Hardtech & Health Batch
This is an accelerator program held by Plug and Play Japan. Connecting the best startups in the world with big companies that want to innovate in the healthcare industry. Within the healthcare arena, Plug and Play Japan focuses specifically on clinical practice, improving data analysis and digital health technology.
Winter/Spring 2021 Batch
URL: http://japan.plugandplaytechcenter.com/batch/overview-ja/
Selected companies
In Winter / Spring 2021 Batch, there are 6 themes (IoT, Fintech, Insurtech, Mobility, Brand & Retail, Hardtech & Health), new bases, SmartCities in Plug and Play Osaka, and a total of 7 themes. The applicant companies were screened by Plug and Play and corporate partners through documents and presentations review, and 103 companies were finally selected.
Our purpose
In Winter / Spring 2021 Hardtech & Health Batch, RimTech is going to accelerate the development of new solutions that organically combine healthcare and risk management through collaboration with large companies.
Risk Measurement Technologies Co., Ltd.
We aim to contribute to the sustainable development of society and companies through risk management based on the technology for measuring and visualizing risks. Currently, we have released the “Mind Health Measurement System” that visualizes the state of mind in just 5 seconds, and we are working to reduce human resource risk and operational risk, which have high social needs.
URL: https://rimtech.co.jp/
Plug and Play は革新的な技術やアイディアを持つスタートアップを大手企業とともに支援していく世界トップレベルのグローバル・ベンチャーキャピタル/アクセラレーターです。Plug and Play Japanは日本と世界のグローバル・イノベーション・エコシステムの架け橋となる、イノベーションプラットフォームで、2017年7月に設立されました。
Plug and Play Japan
URL: http://japan.plugandplaytechcenter.com/
Winter/Spring 2021 Hardtech & Health Batch
Plug and Play Japanが実施するアクセラレータプログラムです。先進的かつ優れたスタートアップを、ヘルスケア業界に革新をもたらしたい大企業と繋げます。ヘルスケア領域の中でも、特に臨床診療、データ分析改善、デジタル健康技術に焦点を当てています。
Winter/Spring 2021 Batch
URL: http://japan.plugandplaytechcenter.com/batch/overview-ja/
Winter/Spring 2021 Batchでは、6テーマ(IoT、Fintech、Insurtech、Mobility、Brand & Retail、Hardtech & Health)に新拠点、Plug and Play Osaka でのSmartCities が加わり、合計7テーマとなっています。Plug and Play の審査及びコーポレートパートナーによる書類審査やプレゼンテーションによる審査が実施され、最終的に103社が採択されました。
RimTechは、Winter/Spring 2021 Hardtech & Health Batchを活用し、大企業との連携を通じて、ヘルスケアとリスクマネジメントを有機的に結合させた新しいソリューションの開発を加速させます。
URL: https://rimtech.co.jp/
Risk Measurement Technologies Co., Ltd. has been selected for Winter / Spring 2021 Hardtech & Health Batch of Plug and Play Japan.
Risk Measurement Technologies Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Naka-ku, Yokohama, CEO: Kanji Okazaki, hereinafter “RimTech”), which provides innovative solutions with HealthTech x RiskTech, has been selected for Winter / Spring 2021 Hardtech & Health Batch which is an accelerator program implemented by Plug and Play Japan Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya Ward, Tokyo, President: Vincent Philip, hereinafter Plug and Play Japan) from December 2020 to March 2021.
Plug and Play Japan
Plug and Play is a world-class global venture capital / accelerator that supports startups with innovative technologies and ideas together with major companies. Plug and Play Japan is an innovation platform that bridges the global innovation ecosystem of Japan and the world and was established in July 2017.
Plug and Play Japan
URL: http://japan.plugandplaytechcenter.com/
Winter/Spring 2021 Hardtech & Health Batch
This is an accelerator program held by Plug and Play Japan. Connecting the best startups in the world with big companies that want to innovate in the healthcare industry. Within the healthcare arena, Plug and Play Japan focuses specifically on clinical practice, improving data analysis and digital health technology.
Winter/Spring 2021 Batch
URL: http://japan.plugandplaytechcenter.com/batch/overview-ja/
Selected companies
In Winter / Spring 2021 Batch, there are 6 themes (IoT, Fintech, Insurtech, Mobility, Brand & Retail, Hardtech & Health), new bases, SmartCities in Plug and Play Osaka, and a total of 7 themes. The applicant companies were screened by Plug and Play and corporate partners through documents and presentations review, and 103 companies were finally selected.
Our purpose
In Winter / Spring 2021 Hardtech & Health Batch, RimTech is going to accelerate the development of new solutions that organically combine healthcare and risk management through collaboration with large companies.
Risk Measurement Technologies Co., Ltd.
We aim to contribute to the sustainable development of society and companies through risk management based on the technology for measuring and visualizing risks. Currently, we have released the “Mind Health Measurement System” that visualizes the state of mind in just 5 seconds, and we are working to reduce human resource risk and operational risk, which have high social needs.
URL: https://rimtech.co.jp/