京都おかんからインバウンド家族へ新提案! 宇治田原へ茶畑ピクニックツアー [English comes below]
New Service for Inbound Families from Kyoto Moms - Family Picnic in a Tea Field in Ujitawara Town
京都のおかん(母親)発ベンチャーのKyoto with Kids (株式会社たおやかカンパニー 代表: 赤坂美保)は、地域の子育て中ママが企画・案内する、インバウンドのお子さま連れ観光客にむけたツアー「Kyoto with Kidsファミリーツアー」を11月より開始いたします。
当事業は観光庁の令和元年度 最先端観光コンテンツ インキュベーター事業として採択されました。年々増加する、世界中から京都に来られるお子様連れ家族観光客へ、より良い滞在経験を提供することを目指し、今後も、子育て中の母親を始め、様々なライフステージの方々の強みを活かし、お子さま連れ家族観光客にむけたサービスを展開いたします。
【Kyoto with Kidsファミリーツアー】
名称:Kyoto with Kids(旧:Family Experience Japan) 株式会社たおやかカンパニー
住所:京都市下京区五条堺町角塩釜町363番地ウエダ本社北ビル 3階
URL: https://kyotowithkids.com/
New Service for Inbound Families from Kyoto Moms - Family Picnic in a Tea Field in Ujitawara Town
Kyoto with Kids (Taoyaka Company rep: Miho Akasaka) a project started by local Kyoto moms will start a new service, "Kyoto with Kids Family Tour" from November. Kyoto with Kids is run by moms raising kids in and around Kyoto and they create services for inbound tourists traveling with their families.
For the first Family Tour, we have partnered with Kyoto Yamashiro DMO to create the "One Day Family Tea Tour." Different from the city views of Kyoto, participants can enjoy the nature and scenery of Ujitawara as they picnic in a tea field, experience picking fresh tea leaves※ and even learn how to make tea. With this tour, which will be fun for everyone in the family, participants will become more familiar with the tea typically drunk in Japanese homes.
For details, please see;
※Coming in early December, we have a tour in the works aimed at hotel/lodging businesses. If you are interested, please inquire.
【About Kyoto with Kids (Taoyaka & Co.)】
Moms currently raising kids in Kyoto started this project with the hope of making a better future for their children. They believe that through travel, we can make a peaceful future in which kids have hope. For the community, for the world, for ourselves: from moms to many others in different stages of life, they have created a place where each individual can showcase their strengths.
Name:Kyoto with Kids (Taoyaka & Co.)
Location: Ueda north building F3, 363, Shiogama-cho, Gojosakaimachi kado, Shimogyoku, Kyoto 600-8103
URL: https://kyotowithkids.com/