株式会社Epigeneron と新潟大学脳研究所、希少神経変性疾患領域で新規創薬標的創出に関する共同研究を開始
【新潟大学脳研究所 病理学分野について】
新潟大学脳研究所 病理学分野ラボは、チームとして、神経・精神疾患の剖検例を対象とした臨床病理、および脳腫瘍やてんかん原性脳病巣等の手術・生検例を対象とした外科病理を行なっており、また脳神経疾患の病態形成機序を明らかにする研究を進めています。
脳研究所 病理学分野: https://pathology-bri-niigata-u.jp/
Epigeneronは、藤井穂高 MD, PhD と藤田敏次 PhD が発明した遺伝子座特異的ChIP法とORNi-PCR法等の産業利用を企図して設立されました。これらのプラットフォーム技術は、従来見出すことが困難だった遺伝子発現制御に関わる創薬ターゲットの探索や、一塩基変異など希少な遺伝子配列の検知などを可能にします。Epigeneronは、エピジェネティック制御やその他の遺伝子発現制御に関わるまったく新しい創薬ターゲットを見出すパイオニアとして、ヘルスケア産業に貢献してゆきます。
株式会社Epigeneron 管理部
E-mail: info@epigeneron.com
Epigeneron announced that it has entered into a joint research agreement with Brain Research Institute, Niigata University (Akiyoshi Kakita, M.D., Ph.D., Professor, Department of Pathology, Brain Research Institute, Niigata University) on drug target discovery research with a view to create new therapeutic medicines for rare neurodegenerative diseases.
Under this collaboration, Kakita laboratory, Brain Research Institute, Niigata University and Epigeneron will jointly conduct multi-omics analysis by using the locus specific chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) for brain samples. Based on the results of the analysis, Epigeneron and Kakita laboratory will identify biomolecules involved in the control of the causative gene of rare neurodegenerative diseases and aim to create new therapeutic medicine.
About Department of Pathology, Brain Research Institute, Niigata University:
To provide the highest quality pathology services and scientific evidence focused on the advancement of developments in the field of neuropathology.
As an academic pathology department, we aim to deliver a high degree of professionalism in clinicopathological diagnostic services and neuropathology research, utilizing comprehensive and innovative approaches and building departmental competence to meet the needs of patients, institutions, and society.
Our approach will involve taking full advantage of opportunities to advance both the science and practice of neuropathology through individual and collaborative research, which hopefully will produce leading practitioners and researchers.
For more details, please refer the link below;
Department of Pathology, Brain Research Institute, Niigata University: https://pathology-bri-niigata-u.jp/en/
About Epigeneron
The regulation of gene expression, which includes epigenetic mechanisms, is a growing research area for industrial and academic interests in discovering novel drug targets.
Epigeneron was founded by Hodaka Fujii, MD, PhD and Toshitsugu Fujita, PhD to translate their innovative inventions, locus-specific ChIP and ORNi-PCR, into the industrial applications such as exploitation and identification of revolutionary drug targets and detection of rare gene sequences in biological specimens. It pioneers revolutionary drug discovery based on epigenetic and other mechanisms of gene expression regulation with its proprietary technologies and accumulated knowledge. Epigeneron is actively promoting business partnerships with companies in the pharmaceutical, diagnostic, and other industrial areas enabling them to achieve extensive innovation in drug discovery, diagnostics, and other molecular testing.
For inquiry:Administration and accounting, Epigeneron, Inc.
Phone: 03-6661-2764
E-mail: info@epigeneron.com