東大発宇宙ベンチャーPale Blue、3億円の研究開発支援Go-Tech事業に採択
U of Tokyo spin-off space startup Pale Blue selected for Go-Tech Project 300M-yen R&D support
*English follows Japanese
株式会社Pale Blue(本社:千葉県柏市柏の葉5丁目4−6東葛テクノプラザ610号室、代表取締役:浅川純、以下「当社」)は、中小企業庁の令和4年度「成長型中小企業等研究開発支援事業」(最大補助額:3億円、以下「Go-Tech事業」)公募において、補助事業として採択されましたのでお知らせいたします。
株式会社Pale Blue(本社:千葉県柏市柏の葉5丁目4−6東葛テクノプラザ610号室、代表取締役:浅川純、以下「当社」)は、中小企業庁の令和4年度「成長型中小企業等研究開発支援事業」(最大補助額:3億円、以下「Go-Tech事業」)公募において、補助事業として採択されましたのでお知らせいたします。
主たる研究等実施機関:株式会社Pale Blue
Pale Blueについて
Pale Blueは、2020年に創業した東京大学発の宇宙ベンチャー企業です。安全無毒である水を推進剤とした持続可能な小型衛星用推進機の技術革新および社会実装に取り組んでいます。⼩型衛星実⽤化の課題となっている推進機に技術革新を起こすことで、次世代の宇宙モビリティ インフラ構築を実現し、科学技術の発展に貢献します。
株式会社Pale Blue 広報担当:奥原
*1 電子源
*2 プラズマエンジン
U of Tokyo spin-off space startup Pale Blue selected for Go-Tech Project 300M-yen R&D support
- Pale Blue Inc. (“Pale Blue”) has been selected by the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency of Japan as a grant recipient of “R&D Support Project for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) with Growth Potential” in the fiscal year of 2022 (maximum grant amount: 300 million yen).
- Pale Blue will conduct research and development on increasing the power of the electron source*1 using water and microwave. Furthermore, Pale Blue will proceed with commercializing water thrusters (plasma engines*2) for satellites of 50-100kg that are increasing in demand. In addition, the company will promote the expansion of small satellite use and sustainable space development by enabling altitude change of small satellites in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and orbit change from LEO to Lunar Orbit.
- Name: R&D Support Project for SMEs with Growth Potential
- Overview: Support SME’s R&D and its commercialization initiatives that collaborates with universities and public research organizations for three years at maximum
- Time period: 2 or 3 financial years
- Maximum grant of a support project: 300 million yen maximum in total for 3 financial years
- Adoption page of Go-Tech Project: https://www.chusho.meti.go.jp/keiei/sapoin/2022/220627saitaku.html
- Name of the R&D: R&D towards increasing power of the electron source for satellites by using water
- Main organization of R&D: Pale Blue Inc.
Pale Blue will achieve sustainable space development by both developing a small yet powerful electron source that can run on water and fostering the installment of water thrusters in small satellites.
Pale Blue is a space startup from the University of Tokyo founded in 2020. The company is dedicated to thrusters innovation for small satellites that use water as a propellant. Through its water-based propulsion technology, Pale Blue aims to develop a space ecosystem where in-space mobility is not only affordable but completely safe for both humans and the surrounding environment.
Emily Okuhara, Marketing & Communications of Pale Blue
E-mail: pr@pale-blue.co.jp
Explanation on terminology
*1 Electron source
An electron source is a device that emits the same number of electrons as ions to the outside in order to maintain the electrical neutrality of the satellite.
*2 Plasma engine
A plasma engine is an engine that converts propellant into plasma and emits ions and electrons into space while maintaining electrical neutrality to obtain propulsion power. There are several types of plasma engines, including ion engines that accelerate ions by applying a voltage between two or more grids and using the potential difference between the grids to accelerate the ions to achieve thrust. Another is called hall-effect thrusters, which accelerate ions by creating a potential charge difference between the positive and negative electrodes (electron source). Plasma engines such as ion engines and hall-effect thrusters must be equipped with an electron source that emits the same number of electrons as ions to the outside in order to maintain the electrical neutrality of the satellite.
