平成最後の忘年会は謎解きチームビルディングでみんな仲良く!脱出ゲーム”なぞばこ”、「忘年会スペシャルプラン」を発表 (English release follows Japanese below.)
12月30日(日)までの期間限定。組織を強くして新しい年を迎えよう。性別、人種、年代、価値観、宗教...etc. 多様な仲間で力を合わせて謎を解いてミッション達成。成功体験を共有してチーム力アップ。
忘年会プラン限定フォトフレームも謎付き。脱出ゲームの部屋だけではなく、あらゆるところに謎が仕込まれている ”なぞばこ” で、謎に没頭して年忘れしてはいかがだろうか?
開催期間: 12月30日(日)まで
場所:脱出ゲーム なぞばこ 東京浅草
住所:東京都台東区浅草1-10-5 KN浅草ビル 6階
- 脱出ゲーム説明
- チーム毎の決意表明!探偵コスチュームのフォトセッション
- 謎解き脱出ゲームに挑戦(60分)
- 脳を働かせたあとには甘いものを.... お茶とお菓子のティータイム
- 表彰式。終了証授与、限定フォトフレームプレゼント
- 脱出ゲーム説明
- チーム毎の決意表明!探偵コスチュームのフォトセッションI
- 謎解き脱出ゲームに挑戦I(60分)
- 休憩。お茶とお菓子のティータイムで脳に糖分補給
- リフレッシュ後の決意表明!探偵コスチュームでのフォトセッションII
- 謎解き脱出ゲームに挑戦II(60分)
- 沢山働いた脳にご褒美。お茶とお菓子のティータイム
- 表彰式。終了証授与、限定フォトフレームプレゼント
【関連情報】 https://invitejapan.com/info/20181204prjp/
<インバイトジャパン株式会社 企業ウェブサイト>
<脱出ゲーム なぞばこ 東京浅草 ホームページ>
脱出ゲーム 「なぞばこ」 https://www.nazobako.jp
インバイトジャパン株式会社 https://invitejapan.com
住所:東京都台東区浅草1-10-5 KN浅草ビル6F
KN AsakusaBldg. 6F, 1-10-5, Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo 111-0032 Japan
Phone: 03-6231-6621
<English Release>
Celebrate the end of 2018 with an exciting Team Building mystery! Escape Game NAZOBAKO announces Year-End Party Plan. Create one more memorable event!
Through December 30, 2018. Make a break from the usual party plan with an adventure that will strengthen your organization. Support the full diversity of your team with an event for everyone. Combine forces, accept your mission, and solve a mystery together.
Invite Japan Co., Ltd. (former company name: Escape Hunt Japan, location: Asakusa, Tokyo) creates team building experiences and mysterious escape games that can be enjoyed by everyone regardless of age, gender, or cultural background. For a limited time, teams can enjoy a special year-end service package developed with bilingual international teams of Japanese and English speakers in mind.
Escape Game NAZOBAKO in the historic Asakusa district of Tokyo has announced a Year-End Party Plan available until December 30, 2018. This is a chance for players to enjoy a fully bilingual mystery with colleagues and friends. Teams work together to solve puzzles and achieve a common goal. Upon completion, teams will get a special commemorative photo with a seasonal picture frame that includes an extra mystery to solve. The 90-minute plan includes one game while a bigger challenge awaits teams that opt for the 180-minute plan with two games.
While many companies and organizations still opt for the ordinary year-end routine, the search for unique events that engage all participants continues. Real escape game experiences provide a singular opportunity to create an organic sense of accomplishment that is challenging and fun. The setting and storyline add a sense of immersion that transports players away from daily stresses into a refreshing and stimulating environment.
Players often note that after playing an escape game, the participants continue recounting their experience long afterward. In addition to sharing details missed during game play, members of the group discover talents and skills in each other that may have otherwise remained hidden. This different perspective is particularly valuable as a way to strengthen relationships between older and younger team members. The escape game experience becomes a foundation upon which bonds of trust and communication can grow.
During this special event, teams will receive a team photo in a commemorative frame. But there is more than meets the eye! Players should look for an extra mystery that everyone can ponder over even after the challenge is complete. An immersive experience awaits all those who take this opportunity to celebrate the end of the year and get in the right mood for 2019!
Year-End Party Plan
Duration: Through December 30, 2018 (Sunday)
Venue: Escape Game Nazobako Tokyo Asakusa
Address: Tokyo-to, Taito-ku, Asakusa 1-10-5 KN Asakusa Bldg. 6F
Plan Details:
< 90-minute Plan >
- Escape Game Introduction
- Team Photo Session! Wear a detective costume to get into the spirit.
- Play one of 3 fully themed 60-minute escape games.
- After the escape is complete, enjoy drinks and snacks in the player lounge.
- All players come together for a winner ceremony, presentation of team certificates, and a collectable picture frame... that contains even more mysteries!
< 180-minute Plan >
- Escape Game Introduction
- Team Photo Session! Wear a detective costume to get into the spirit.
- Play the first of 3 fully themed 60-minute escape games.
- After the escape is complete, refresh with drinks and snacks in the player lounge.
- Play the second 60-minute escape game.
- After both games end, all players come together for a winner ceremony, presentation of team certificates, and a collectable picture frame... that contains even more mysteries!【関連情報】 https://invitejapan.com/info/20181204prjp/
For more information: https://invitejapan.com/info/20181204preng/
<Invite Japan, Ltd. Website>
Inquiry :
ESCAPE GAME NAZOBAKO : https://www.nazobako.jp
INVITE JAPAN, Ltd. : https://invitejapan.com
KN AsakusaBldg. 6F, 1-10-5, Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo 111-0032 Japan
Phone: 03-6231-6621
- 種類
- イベント
- ビジネスカテゴリ
- テーマパーク・遊園地経営・コンサルティング
- ダウンロード