
情報経営イノベーション専門職大学(東京都墨田区、学長 中村 伊知哉。以下、iU。https://www.i-u.ac.jp/)と、世界の主要な業界、市場調査、消費者動向に関するデータや統計を提供する世界最大級のプラットフォーム、独Statistaの日本法人であるスタティスタ・ジャパン(東京都渋谷区、カントリーマネージャー 津乗 学。以下「Statista」。https://www.statista.com/)は、連携企業協定を締結し、データサイエンスの利用環境と教育環境を創出する「#iUDataLab」を推進することで合意いたしました。
2021年6月25日にビジネスを実践的に学ぶ科目「イノベーションプロジェクト」において本学の2年生を対象に、iU客員教授に就任したStatistaの津乗 学氏による「#iUDataLab キックオフレクチャー」を開催。こちらを皮切りに、データに強い大学、データを生かす起業家教育を目指して参ります。
  • Statistaについて

Statista は全世界100万件以上、170の業界をカバーする統計データや独自リサーチによる調査データの数々を定額使い放題のサブスクリプション型で提供するサービスです。2007年のサービス開始以来、Google、アドビ、サムスンやTモバイルを始めとした23,000社以上の企業が導入、200万人以上のユーザーに利用されています。新型コロナウイルスの蔓延により先の見えない状況が続く中、経営企画や事業開発といった部門だけでなく、あらゆるビジネスパーソンにとって「今とこれから」を理解する必須のツールとして国内の導入が加速しています。


  • #iUDataLabについて






  • データサイエンスとAIと起業家教育







iU Enters Cooperative Agreement with Statista Geramany


Professional University of Information and Management for Innovation (Sumida-ku, Tokyo, President: Ichiya Nakamura; hereinafter “iU”; http://www.i-u.ac.jp) and Statista Japan (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; Country Manager: Manabu Tsunori; hereinafter “Statista”; https://www.statista.com/), the Japanese subsidiary of Statista Germany, one of the world’s largest platforms providing data and statistics regarding the world’s major industries, market research and consumer trends, have entered into a cooperative agreement to promote #iUDataLab, which creates data science usage environments and educational environments.

On June 25, 2021, the #iUDataLab Kickoff Lecture was held by Manabu Tsunori of Statista, who has been appointed as a guest professor at iU. This lecture was designed for 2nd-year students on the Innovation Project course at iU, who are learning about the practical side of business. We intend to build on this foundation by becoming a university that specializes in data and uses data to train entrepreneurs.



  • About Statista

Statista has more than 1 million clients worldwide and provides vast amounts of statistical data and independent research data covering 170 industries with fixed-rate all-you-can-use subscription plans. Since Statista’s launch in 2007, it has been introduced at more than 23,000 companies, including the likes of Google, Adobe, Samsung and T-Mobile, and has more than 2 million users. While the future remains uncertain due to the coronavirus pandemic, there is accelerated introduction of Statista in Japan as an essential tool for management planning and business development divisions as well as all kinds of businesspersons to understand what is happening now and what will happen next. 


  • About #iUDataLab

Jointly established by iU and Statista, #iUDataLab is a lab that creates data science and AI educational content.

Data will be used in all kinds of iU activities - study, research, surveys and publicity - by providing iU students and faculty with an environment to access Statista’s world-leading statistics and data resources. Together with using data to enhance the educational environment at iU, we will also provide resources and know-how to high schools and other universities to support data application in education.


At the same time, iU’s three-year study plan will incorporate educational programs in which students systematically learn knowledge regarding data and statistics, analytical skills, etc., focusing on data-based thinking that supports the ability to detect and solve problems, data journalism dispatching information using data-related knowledge and skills, AI research using data, and entrepreneur training to achieve success with new businesses and entrepreneurial ideas through analysis based on data and statistics.


#iUDataLab’s activities and educational contents will be used not only within iU, but also to share data science for use and application by other educational institutions, Sumida-ku, and companies in Sumida-ku.


  • Entrepreneur training with data science and AI

Data science demands a diverse skill set that covers basic skills in the areas of machine learning, mathematics, study of statistics and databases, as well as the ability to detect and solve problems, expertise in business areas, data visualization, and communication. It is important to be an ICT specialist, but that alone cannot lead to anyone to incorporate data in their thinking or entrepreneurial actions.


From their first year, iU students learn by focusing on mathematics, the ability to detect and solve problems, databases, expertise in business areas, communication and other areas based on ICT technology and business application. However, there is insufficient coverage in terms of an environment for accessing actual data, machine learning, and visualization.


Also, the AI field, with its considerable growth, is starting to become automated in the data science field, and there is a need to develop new data application skills. #iUDataLab will raise awareness of the issue regarding creation of personnel trained in data science in Japan, which is lacking in international competitiveness, and will carry out activities aimed at resolving this situation.

 The creation of data scientists implementing deep insight for detection of problems in the social contributions of companies, countries, regional administrations and NPOs, etc. will lead to the production of means with which to train entrepreneurs to quickly detect and solve societal issues.




中村 伊知哉