SMBC日興証券のオープンイノベーションチーム「Funder Storm」(では地方創生や街づくりにおける人材育成や次世代技術の活用についてのコンサルティングを行っており、特にNFTをはじめとするWEB3.0の分野に注力しています。
また本プログラムは、アート市場へのブロックチェーンやNFTの活用の先駆者であるスタートバーン株式会社と、ゲームの技術や考え方で新たな価値を社会実装する京都のベンチャー企業の株式会社Skeleton Crew Studioという共に国際色豊かなメンバーでグローバルに事業展開する2社がスペシャルアドバイザーとして参画します。
【開会式】日程:2022年7月9日(土) 場所:ワコールスタディーホール京都
【主催】NEO KYOTO NFT ARTs 実行委員会
スペシャルアドバイザー:スタートバーン株式会社、株式会社 Skeleton Crew Studio
The Innovative Trial for Collaboration of NFT Art and Urban Development Program Launched in Kyoto
-major companies, startups, and students joining forces to create the Web3.0 educational project-
HATAPRO, Inc.(”HATAPRO”) is pleased to announce that NEO KYOTO NFT ARTs (the “Program”), a program co-designed in cooperation with Wacoal Holdings Corp.(“Wacoal HD”) and SMBC Nikko Securities, Inc. (“SMBC Nikko), has started on 9th July.
In this Program, NFT art works created by students in Kyoto City will be displayed and sold globally and part of the sales revenues will be donated to the city for educational purposes. These NFT art works are associated with the student’s imaginary space and vision for the future of Kyoto. Kyoto is globally popular as a historic and cultural icon and known as a city where many students gather. The Program was designed to establish a creative ecosystem where Web 3.0 fuses NFT art and urban development together.
High school and university students in Kyoto City participated in the opening ceremony held at Wacoal Studyhall Kyoto. They had a workshop to have deep discussions in several groups on the present and future Kyoto that each had imagined. Along with the themes they chose there, the students will work on their NFT art works for the next three months or so.
The progress of the Program and events, such as workshops and exhibitions, will be posted on the official website (URL:
Wacoal HD had also established the Try Promotion Support Office (n.k.a. Future Business Development Office) for the purpose of creating “new value” In 2013. Since its inception, it has collected ideas from employees, conducted research, developed plans, and commercialized various ideas. All these efforts have successfully created future value free from the framework of its existing businesses, for instance, Wacoal Studyhall Kyoto (URL:, accommodation business Kyoto no Ondokoro (URL:, etc.
HATAPRO was established in 2010 in order to develop flagship products to lead the next generation as the word HATA means flag in Japanese. Taking advantage of advanced technologies in AI and IoT area, HATAPRO is intended to facilitate innovation and to create new businesses by co-developing products with a variety of major companies and establishing joint ventures under public-private partnerships.
SMBC Nikko’s open innovation team, “Funder Storm” (URL:,” provides consulting services to develop human resources and to utilize next-generation technologies, focusing on Web 3.0, especially, NFT, for revitalizing rural areas and developing urban communities.
In addition, two startups, both of which have global backgrounds, join the Program as special advisors. One is Startbahn Inc., which is an early innovator that brought blockchain technologies into the art market. The other is Kyoto-based startup Skelton Crew Studio Inc., which implements new value in society with its technologies and know how derived from video game creation.
< Summary of NEO KYOTO NFT ARTs>
[Opening Ceremony] Date: Saturday, July 9, 2022 Venue: Wacoal Studyhall Kyoto
[Launch Event] Date and venue to be announced on the official website
[Exhibition] Date and venue to be announced on the official website once confirmed
[Official Website]
[Host Organization] Executive Committee of NEO KYOTO NFT ARTs
Planning & Operation: Wacoal Holdings Corp. and HATAPRO Inc.
Planning & Advisor: SMBC Nikko Securities, Inc.
Special Advisor: Startbahn, Inc. and Skeleton Crew Studio, Inc.
[Sponsor] Kyoto City Tourism Association, Kyoto City
[Partner Organization] High School Consortium Kyoto