Global Step Academyが日本初「Cognia® Systems Accreditation(組織包括認定)」を取得

株式会社Global Step Academy(東京都、代表取締役社長:モントゴメリー道緒)が運営する「Global Step Academy」が日本初「Cognia® Systems Accreditation(組織包括認定)」を取得した事を発表致します。Cogniaとは、学校、学区、世界中の教育サービスプロバイダーに対して品質保証を提供するグローバルに活動している非営利組織です。
「Cognia Global Accreditation Commission(国際認定委員会)によって授与される認証は、Global Step Academyが国際的に認められた事を示す証です。」とChief Academic Officerのフェドロフ・アイバン氏が述べています。「また、この認定は、私たちの卓越性へのコミットメント、評価やフィードバックに基づく意義ある継続的な改善と向上への意欲、そして何より生徒たちのために最善を尽くす姿勢を示すものです。」
Cogniaの会長兼CEOであるマーク・A・エルガート博士は、「Cognia® Systems Accreditation(組織包括認定)は、対象教育グループとその関係者に対して、生徒が魅力的且つ公平な学習環境の中で教育を受け、成長をし続けられる環境構築に徹底することに焦点を当てた厳格なプロセスです。Global Step Academyが高い基準を満たし、生徒の学習に大きな影響を与える重要な進展を遂げたことを称賛します」と述べています。
Cogniaは、North Central Association Commission on Accreditation(ノースセントラル協会認定・学校改善委員会、略:NCA CASI)、North Accreditation Commission(ノースウェスト認定委員会、略:NWAC)、及び Southern Association of Colleges and School Council on Accreditation and School Improvement(南部協会認定・学校改善評議会、略:SACS CASI)の親組織です。「Cognia® Systems Accreditation(組織包括認定)」の詳細については、cognia.orgをご覧ください。
Global Step Academyについて
Global Step Academyは、「国際社会を生き抜く力」を次世代の子供達に提供するために設立された、国際教育専門サービスです。国際教育において40年以上の経験をもとに、教育者、開発者、デザイナー、ビジネスプロフェッショナルが同じ志と想いで、一丸となり実現されました。全国の生徒達に向けて、質の高い国際教育を、インターナショナルスクール、アフタースクール、シーズンプログラム、オンラインレッスン等を通じて提供しています。
Global Step Academy Earns Cognia Systems Accreditation
Tokyo, Japan – November 19th, 2024 – Global Step Academy announced today that it has become the first school group and organization headquartered in Japan to earn Cognia® Systems Accreditation. Cognia is a nonprofit organization that provides quality assurance for schools, school districts, and education service providers.
“Accreditation as conferred by the Cognia Global Accreditation Commission provides Global Step Academy a nationally recognized mark of quality for our school system” shared Ivan Fedoroff, Chief Academic Officer, “It demonstrates to our community our commitment to excellence, our willingness to enact meaningful change based on evaluation and feedback, and our desire to be the best we can be on behalf of the students we serve.”
Cognia recognizes schools and districts across the globe that meet rigorous standards focused on productive learning environments, equitable resource allocation, and effective leadership. To earn Cognia Systems Accreditation, a school district must submit to internal and external review. Earning accreditation from the Cognia Global Accreditation Commission means that the school system meets Cognia Performance Standards and maintains a commitment to continuous improvement. Schools and districts in good standing can maintain their accreditation for a six-year term.
Dr. Mark A. Elgart, president and CEO of Cognia, stated, “Cognia Systems Accreditation is a rigorous process that focuses the entire school system and its community on the primary goal of ensuring all students can flourish in engaging and equitable learning environments. We commend Global Step Academy for meeting high standards and making progress on key indicators that impact student learning.”
Cognia is the parent organization of the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement (NCA CASI), Northwest Accreditation Commission (NWAC) and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS CASI). Parents and interested community members can learn more about Cognia Systems Accreditation at
Cognia is the parent organization of the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement (NCA CASI), Northwest Accreditation Commission (NWAC) and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS CASI). Parents and interested community members can learn more about Cognia Systems Accreditation at
About Cognia
Cognia is a global, nonprofit improvement organization dedicated to helping institutions and other education providers grow learners, teachers, and leaders. Cognia offers accreditation and certification, assessment, and improvement services within a framework of continuous improvement. Serving 40,000 public and private institutions from early learning through high school in more than 90 countries, Cognia brings a global perspective to advancing teaching and learning. Find out more at
About Global Step Academy
Global Step Academy provides international education aimed at equipping students with the skills necessary to thrive in a global society. Built on a 40 year legacy of international education experience, Global Step Academy was founded by a passionate group of educators, developers, designers and business professionals. Today GSA leads the way in student achievement by offering educational experiences in Japan through international schools, after school and seasonal programs, as well as globally through our innovative online course.