イタリア、ミラノのArexpo s.p.a.とオンライン連携協定締結式を実施
海外サイエンスパークとのイノベーション活動を促進 海外連携は7地域、9拠点へ
京都発のイノベーション創発を支援する京都リサーチパーク株式会社(以下、KRP:代表取締役社長 小川信也)は、イタリア、ミラノ万博の跡地、MIND Milano Innovation District(以下、MIND)のエリア開発をすすめる、Arexpo s.p.a.(以下、Arexpo: CEO Igor De Biasio)と包括連携協定締結式を2021年9月8日にオンラインにて執り行いました。本連携協定締結によりKRPとArexpoは両地区の積極的な交流を継続的に協議、検討します。日本・イタリアの両国においてイノベーション創発の機会や場所の提供ができるよう貢献します。
1. 連携活動・ワーキンググループ等に関し、当事者各地区において年次会議を開催すること
2. 投資家向けプレゼンテーション、アクセラレーションプログラム等において、各地区スタートアップやイノベーション関連企業の情報を共有すること
3. 資金調達・地区発展などを目的としてイノベーションプロジェクト・連携策を検討すること
4. 高等教育における、次世代人材、学生、研究者、大学教員らの参画・協力企画を検討すること
5. 各地区のスタートアップやイノベーション関連企業らによる参画・協力企画を検討すること
場所:KRP地区 (オンラインにて締結式)
・小川信也 代表取締役社長
・岡正治郎 常務取締役
・水野成容 参与
・Igor De Biasio, CEO
・Alberto Mina, Director for International and Institutional Relations
・Marco Prencipe 総領事
名称:Arexpo s.p.a.
本社所在地:MIND Milano Innovation District Via Cristina Belgioioso, 171, 20157 Milano Italy
President: Giovanni Azzone
URL ; https://www.arexpo.it/en/
MIND (Milano Innovation District)
URL; https://www.mindmilano.it/en/
以下 英語
Kyoto Research Park Corp.
Agreement with Arexpo, curating the Milano Innovation District (MIND) in Milan, Italy.
Kyoto Research Park Corp.(KRP) signed an agreement with Arexpo. The Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Igor De Biasio, CEO of Arexpo, and by Nobuya Ogawa, President of KRP. The ceremony was held online on September 8, 2021.
Since its opening in 1989, KRP has grown to include over 500 companies and institutions in the fields of ICT, biotechnology, electronics, machinery, and more. It aims to become a base for creating new enterprises and a base for collaboration among industry, the academic world, and government in the Kyoto region. The memorandum provides for close cooperation with Arexpo with regard to MIND, the Milano Innovation District which is being created in the area that hosted Milan’s World Expo 2015. There will be joint projects, researchers and relationships with private companies as well. Every year there will also be a meeting in the respective districts to assess the best practices for developing research and innovation projects. The memorandum is the result of collaboration and an exchange of ideas and knowledge between the between the parties, and was also achieved with the support of the diplomatic network and IASP where KRP and Arexpo has joined.
“We live in a historic, increasingly interconnected period, and this is certainly an irreversible process,” explains Igor de Biasio, Arexpo’s CEO. “For this reason, creating a network of international relations, including outside of Europe, is not only useful, but is indispensable for a project like MIND that’s dedicated to innovation and research. The agreement with Kyoto is particularly significant because it involves a top level technology park in a country like Japan that has historically been at the cutting edge in these sectors.”
For years, KRP has expanded its international relationship with overseas’ innovation and science parks. In this year, new collaboration has commenced with 2 sites; Shanghai Development Park Association and MIND.(EOD)
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