【ミスミ】機械部品調達のAIプラットフォーム「meviy」/北米向けサービス強化 ねじ類のインチ規格に対応<English Follows>

■ 背景
※1 プレスリリース 「北米での事業開始」(2022年9月30日付)
※2 プレスリリース 「中国でのサービスを開始、グローバル展開を加速」(2023年10月6日付)
※3 プレスリリース 「韓国でのサービスを開始、さらなる世界展開へ」(2024年2月13日付)
■ サービス概要
リリース日 : 2025年2月3日
追加サービス : 切削加工(角物)、切削加工(丸物)
対象サービス : インチ(ユニファイ)ねじ ※タップねじ(角物、丸物)、おねじ/めねじ(丸物)が対象
▼meviyサービスサイト インフォメーション
■ meviy とは
※2023年オンライン機械部品調達サービス国内ユーザー数シェア テクノ・システム・リサーチ調べ
meviy Webサイト :https://meviy.misumi-ec.com/
お客さまの声 :https://jp.meviy.misumi-ec.com/info/ja/archives/category/case/user_case/

■ ミスミとは
株式会社ミスミグループ本社 コーポレート・リレーション室 松原・小庭
e-mail: pr@misumi.co.jp Tel: 03-6777-7502
<English Follows>
meviy, an AI-based parts procurement platform,
Now Quotes Inch Screws
for North American Service Enhancement
~ Responding quickly to each country’s needs,
accelerating toward the "No. 1 global platform originating in Japan." ~
meviy, an AI-based parts procurement platform powered by MISUMI Group Inc. (“MISUMI”; headquartered in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan: Representative Director and President: Ryusei Ono) now offers automated quoting for ”Unified, Inch & Whitworth Screws” from 3 February 2025 to better meet the needs of customers in North America. After completing the rollout in five regions (Japan, Europe, North America, China, and other regions of Asia) in February 2024, meviy has been striving for ongoing service enhancement to meet the needs of customers in each region.
MISUMI will continue to provide time value to our global customers in the IA (Industrial Automation) industry through expanding our services and contribute to enhancing their productivity.

■ Background
meviy's global expansion began with its launch in Europe in December 2021. It set foot in North America*1, China*2, and Asia (South Korea)*3 in February 2024, and now provides services in five regions around the world. By the end of fiscal 2023, the overseas sales accounted for 15% of meviy’s revenue, with further increases planned.
As part of its global expansion, meviy, already JIS-compliant, has started to provide customers in North America and Japan with automated quoting for "Unified, Inch and Whitworth Screws." This is in response to many requests from customers in North America for automated quoting of these particular types of screws - screws with inch standards used in the U.S. and used in many products, including precision machinery, mainly in North America.
We will continue to develop meviy based on the needs of customers in each country and contribute to improving customers' productivity by accelerating global expansion.
*1 Press release (Japanese) dated 30 September 2022, “meviy launches in North America”
*2 Press release dated 6 October 2023, “meviy, an AI-based parts procurement platform, launches in China accelerating global expansion” https://www.misumi.co.jp/english/news/press_231006
*3 Press release dated 13 February 2024, “meviy, an AI-based parts procurement platform,
launches in Korea accelerating global expansion” https://www.misumi.co.jp/english/news/press_240213
■ Service Overview
Service release date: 3 February 2025
Service eligible for: CNC Milling, CNC Turning
Newly quotable parts: Unified, Inch & Whitworth Screws
*Eligible only for Tapping Screws (Squared, Round),
External Thread/Internal Thread (Round).
To learn more about this service, please see the following.
▼meviy Service Website Information (Japanese)
■ About meviy
With meviy, customers simply upload a 3D CAD model of a mechanical component, the AI automatically provides an instant quote, and our digital manufacturing system enables an order to be shipped in as little as one day.
meviy is a platform that eliminates perceived inefficiencies in parts procurement by reducing the time customers traditionally spend procuring mechanical components by more than 90%.
meviy received the Prime Minister's Prize at the Ninth Monodzukuri Nippon Grand Awards, achieved the No. 1* market share in Japan for three consecutive years, and is highly regarded for its contributions to improving productivity in the manufacturing industry. For our global customers, the range of services on each meviy website is expanding. meviy delivers "time value" to customers worldwide through digital transformation in component procurement.
*Users of online machine parts procurement services in Japan in 2023, according to Techno Systems Research Co., Ltd.
meviy website https://meviy.misumi-ec.com/
Customer testimonials https://jp.meviy.misumi-ec.com/info/ja/archives/category/case/user_case/

■ About MISUMI
MISUMI sells mechanical components required on-site for factory automation, as well as tools, consumables, and other products to more than 318,000 companies (as of March 2024) worldwide. We wear two hats: a manufacturer with manufacturing functions and a distributor of other company’s branded products.
With this unique business model, supported by a solid business foundation, MISUMI achieves "globally reliable on-time delivery" for greater customer convenience.
【Inquiries on this press release】
Please contact Y. Matsubara or K. Koniwa
e-mail: pr@misumi.co.jp
Tel: 03-6777-7502
Corporate Relations Department
MISUMI Group Inc.