世界的デザイナーがAI画像生成サービス「Midjourney」を使ったUIデザインを実演!8/7(月)無料セミナー「UI デザインの未来を見る【Vol. 1】」
2023/8/7(MON) Free webinar "See the future of UI design【Vol 1】"
On August 7th,(Monday), Creek and River Co., Ltd.(C&R) will hold the seminar “See the future of UI design: learn how to create outstanding UI with the power of AI 【Vol 1】”.
*This webinar is available in English (original) or Japanese (interpretation).
▼Please sign up from below.
*Application deadline:2023/8/7(MON) 00:00
あなたにとって忘れられないもしくは生活に必要不可欠なゲーム/アプリ/Webサイトはなんですか?それらは一様にユーザーエクスペリエンス (UX)やユーザーインターフェイス (UI)、プレーヤーエクスペリエンス (PX) に優れたデザインが施されているのではないでしょうか。ゲーム、アプリ、Webサイトのいずれをデザインする場合にもユーザーエクスペリエンスがとても重要です。そのため、秀でたゲームのストーリーや便利な Web サイト・アプリを作ることだけに意識を向けてしまうと、人々の関心を引きつけ、もっと知りたいと思わせることが不十分なレベルとなってしまうことがあります。楽しく使用でき、価値を提供し、信頼を築き、ビジネス目標をユーザーやプレーヤーのニーズに合わせることができる、素晴らしく直感的なインターフェイスを備えた、楽しくかつシンプルなE2E(エンドツーエンド)のエクスペリエンスを構築する必要があります。
本セミナーでは、デザインの世界的エキスパートであるジェイコブ・ネルソン氏にご登壇いただき、テキストを打ち込むだけで画像を作成してくれるAI画像生成サービス「Midjourney」を使って、ゲーム、アプリ、Web サイト用のインターフェイスのデザイン作成をライブで実演していただきます。ゲームやアプリ、Web、UI/UX、プロダクト、グラフィックなど、すべてのデザイナーの方におすすめの内容です。ご興味をお持ちの方はぜひお気軽にご参加ください。
「AI はあなたのデザインや想像力を置き換えるのではなく、強化するものです。AI の力でデザインと想像力を強化する方法を学びましょう。」
・ゲーム、アプリ、Web サイトの UI デザインのライブ作成
Midjourney を使用してグラフィックおよび UI デザインを生成する方法
AIデザインをデザインツールと統合してプロフェッショナルな UIデザインを作成する方法
・ジェイコブは、iPhoneアプリであるウォーカーのゲーミフィケーションのUI / UXデザインについて考えるのを手伝ってくれました。ジェイコブのデザイン、教育、ユーザーゲームの動機に関する深い知識は、複雑なプロジェクトを簡素化するのに非常に役立つことがわかりました。(アプリデザイナー)
Watch over the shoulder of an expert designer as he uses graphics and designs from Midjourney to help create modern professional interfaces for games, apps, and websites.
“AI will not replace your designs and imagination, it will enhance them.
Learn how to supercharge your designs and imagination with the power of AI.”
– Jacob Nelson, global design expert
Superior user experience (UX), user interface (UI), and player experience (PX) design is what separates forgettable games, apps, and sites from best-selling, must have apps, and sites you can’t live without.
Whether you’re designing a game, app, or website, experience is everything. Therefore, focusing only on creating a good game story or useful website or app isn’t enough to keep people engaged and wanting more. You need to create delightfully simple end-to-end experiences with gorgeous intuitive interfaces that are fun to use, provide value, build trust, and align business goals with user and player needs.
You need incredible UX, UI, and PX. And in this webinar, we’ll cover some of the most important design principles that every designer needs to know if you want your games, apps or websites to be easy-to-use and successful in the market.
[What’s covered in the webinar?]
-Live creation of UI designs for games, apps, and websites
How to generate graphic and UI designs with Midjourney
How to integrate AI design with design tools to create professional UI designs
Listen live to an expert’s thinking process behind every design decision
-Open Q&A
Ask any design related question during the live demonstration
[What people say about Jacob and his training]
“Jacob is a top-notch UX and UI designer with incredible experience in the field. He surprised me with his knowledge and patience with his approach, detailing, and understanding to solve a business problem, rather than just reskinning the UI. It’s rare to find someone like him.”
UX Designer
“Jacob helped me think through the UI / UX Design of the Gamification of the Walker, iPhone App. Jacob’s deep knowledge of Design, Education and User Game Motivations; proved to be extremely helpful in simplifying an extremely complex project.”
App Designer
“We were redefining our digital strategy and user experience and Jacob spearheaded the execution of this strategy and was instrumental in creating an award-winning user experience. His creativity and drive to get things done stands out. He helped grow the business by ensuring our digital touchpoints have a self-intuitive superior user-experience, which became catalysts for more sales.”
Marketing Manager
UI デザインの未来を見る: AI の力で優れた UI を作成する方法を学びましょう【Vol 1】
・ゲームデベロッパー / ゲームデザイナー / ゲームプランナー
・ユーザー / プレーヤーリサーチァー
・プログラマー / デベロッパー
▼eラーニング「卓越したUIを作る ゲーム、アプリ、Webサイト」(講師:ジェイコブ・ネルソン氏)
See the future of UI design: learn how to create outstanding UI with the power of AI 【Vol 1】
■Date and time
2023/8/7(MON) 19:00~20:00
Held online(Zoom)
Jacob Nelson
After graduating from the University of Washington with an M.S. in Information Management, Jacob Nelson worked in multiple leadership positions at global and local companies as Head of Design R&D, Head of UX&PX Strategy, Head of Digital Marketing & Brand, and others. Jacob was also a design mentor for Staffordshire University and the University of Washington.
He has worked on countless projects, sites, apps, and mobile games over his career with his mobile games showcased in the coveted “Featured Games” and “Top Charts” on Google Play and App Store. Jacob also won the “Best Marketing Team” award at the 2018 Global Carrier Awards. His recent publications include an educational series on PX&UX design and joint paper with the University of Tokyo, “Affective Computing on Mental Health” (Game IoT for Healthcare).
Currently, Jacob leads the fusion of UX (sites, applications) and PX (games) design, and is engaged in research and development of products and services that utilize AI, IoT, DLT, NFT, and other future technologies.
-Game developer
-Game designer
-Game planner
-Product Designer
-Web Designer
-Web Producer
-Graphic Designer
-UX Designer
-UI Designer
-User / Player Researcher
-Programmer / Developer
■Entry fee
100 people
CREEK and RIVER Co., Ltd.
▼Please sign up from below.
*Application deadline:2023/8/7(MON) 00:00
[Related Course]
▼e-learning program by Jacob Nelson “Make Outstanding UI for Games, Apps & Websites”
In charge of the webinar " See the future of UI design“