株式会社YStory、Mayo Clinic Platform_Accelerateに採択、米国最大級の患者データを活用して更年期のAIモデル開発・検証、日本発のフェムテックを海外展開へ
ジェトロがMayo Clinic Platformと連携して実施するアクセラレーションプログラム「HealthTech Gateway “AI Medical in the US”」Phase2に採択
更年期ケアに特化したデジタルヘルススタートアップ、株式会社YStoryは、日本貿易振興機構(ジェトロ)主催の「HealthTech Gateway “AI Medical in the US”」プログラムのフェーズ2に選出されました。本プログラムでは、世界最大級の医療機関の一つであるMayo Clinic Platformが保有する医療データを活用し、AIモデルの開発と米国市場進出を目指します。
本プログラムには、Mayo Clinic Platformによる厳選なる審査を経て、YStoryを含むAI活用型デジタルヘルス企業5社が選出されました。参加企業は、Mayo Clinic Platformが保有する数百万人分の非識別化医療データにアクセスし、AIモデルの開発・検証を行う機会が提供されます。さらに、専門家による1対1のメンタリング、臨床チームからのフィードバック、Mayo Clinicやミネソタ州のエコシステムおよび投資家に向けたピッチイベントへの参加などを通じ、米国市場への参入に関連する包括的なサポートを受けられるものです。

アクセラレーションプログラム「HealthTech Gateway “AI Medical in the US”」概要
日本貿易振興機構ジェトロ(JETRO)が経済産業省の協力を得て、国内スタートアップ企業の海外展開支援を行うために企画されたプログラムであり、本プログラムでは米国トップの医療機関であるMayo Clinic Platformと連携して展開されます。講義セッション、ワークショップ、1on1メンタリング等を通じて米国市場におけるエビデンス構築と市場参入を目指すものです。
2024年10月より実施された基礎プログラム(Phase 1)では、米国ヘルスケア市場への参入に向けた知識の習得と戦略策定支援や、Mayo Clinicミネソタキャンパスへの訪問を通じた現地でのコネクション形成サポート等を得て参りました。
2025年1月に開始する医療データ活用プログラム(Phase 2)では、30週間のバーチャルプログラムにて、Mayo Clinic Platformが持つ医療データプラットフォームへのアクセスとAIモデルの開発・検証サポートや、専門家による1on1メンタリングが受けられます。また、2025年4月には米国ミネソタ州へ渡航し、DemoDayイベントでの5分間ピッチおよびミネソタエコシステム関係者とのネットワーキング等を通じた、米国マーケットへの参入に関する包括的なサポートの機会が予定されています。
YStoryコーポレートサイト: https://www.ystoryfemtech.com/
English Version
YStory Inc., a digital health startup specializing in menopause care, has been selected for Phase 2 of "HealthTech Gateway 'AI Medical in the US'" program. Through this program organized by the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), YStory aims to develop AI models and enter the U.S. market by utilizing de-identified medical data from Mayo Clinic Platform, founded by Mayo Clinic, one of the world’s largest healthcare institutions.
After a rigorous selection process by Mayo Clinic Platform, five AI-powered digital health companies, including YStory, were chosen for the program. Participating companies will have access to de-identified medical data from millions of patients, enabling them to develop and validate AI models. In addition, the program provides comprehensive support for entering the U.S. market—this includes one-on-one mentoring with experts, feedback from clinical teams, and opportunities to participate in pitch events targeting Mayo Clinic, Minnesota’s healthcare ecosystem, and other investors.
Utilizing AI solutions, YStory has been developing its business as a health tech startup to address women’s health issues worldwide. In the U.S. market, patient demographics, healthcare regulations, and insurance systems differ significantly from those in Japan. By joining this program, YStory will gain access to one of the world’s largest de-identified medical datasets, accelerating the development of AI algorithms for menopause diagnosis and treatment. The company aims to deepen its expertise in U.S. regulations and market trends, establish a strong foundation for international expansion, and advance to the next stage of business development.

Overview of the "HealthTech Gateway 'AI Medical in the US'" Acceleration Program
Organized by JETRO with the cooperation of Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Mayo Clinic Platform, “HealthTech Gateway ‘AI Medical in the US’” is a program designed to help startups in Japan expand overseas. It aims to help companies establish clinical evidence for U.S. market entry through lecture sessions, workshops, and one-on-one mentoring.
Phase 1, which began in October 2024, focused on supporting knowledge acquisition and strategic development for entering the U.S. healthcare market. It also facilitated local networking through a visit to Mayo Clinic’s Minnesota campus.
JETRO's press release on Phase 1:
Phase 2, launched in January 2025, is a 30-week virtual program that offers access to Mayo Clinic Platform’s secure, de-identified medical data, AI model development/validation support, and expert one-on-one mentoring. In April 2025, participating companies will travel to Minnesota for Demo Day, an event where they will deliver pitches and network with Minnesota stakeholders, among other opportunities for comprehensive support in entering the U.S. market.
JETRO's press release on Phase 2:
About the Organizing Institutions
Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
JETRO, or the Japan External Trade Organization, is a government-related organization that’s dedicated to further the development of Japan’s economy and society through trade and investment promotion, as well as research on developing countries. With over 70 overseas offices and domestic branches, JETRO actively supports innovation, agricultural and food exports, and the global expansion of mid-sized and small enterprises. In recent years, JETRO has been strengthening its support for startups expanding overseas, aligning with the government’s five-year startup development plan.
YStory Inc.
YStory Inc. is a Tokyo based startup that utilizes AI technology and medical science to develop digital healthcare solutions for improving women’s health. The company offers JoyHer, a menopause healthcare app that provides personalized care tips based on users’ symptoms and activities. Moving forward, YStory aims to establish a one-stop platform for menopause awareness, diagnosis, and treatment.
YStory corporate website: https://www.ystoryfemtech.com/