
情報経営イノベーション専門職大学(東京都墨田区、学長 中村伊知哉、http://www.i-u.ac.jp、以下「iU」)の中村伊知哉学長は、京都大学大学院総合生存学館アートイノベーション産学共同講座(京都府京都市、学館長 積山薫、https://www.gsais.kyoto-u.ac.jp/)の特任教授に就任しました。
  • 京都大学大学院総合生存学館について

アートイノベーション産学共同講座 土佐尚子教授(iU超客員教授)は、iUのバーチャル研究室にて本学学生との連携・交流を図っています。


  • 京都大学アートイノベーション産学共同講座 土佐尚子教授よりメッセージ  




  • 中村伊知哉学長よりメッセージ  





iU President Ichiya Nakamura Inaugurated as Specially-Appointed Professor at Kyoto University

Ichiya Nakamura, President of the Professional University of Information and Management for Innovation (Sumida-ku, Tokyo, President: Ichiya Nakamura; hereinafter “iU”;http://www.i-u.ac.jp), has assumed the role of specially-appointed professor at the Kyoto University Art Innovation Industry-Academia Collaboration Course at Kyoto University’s Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (Kyoto-shi, Kyoto-fu; President: Kaoru Sekiyama, https://www.gsais.kyoto-u.ac.jp/).
Among other things, this collaboration with Kyoto University and the Art Innovation Industry-Academia Collaboration Course will also contribute to the Expo 2025 in Osaka. 

■About Kyoto University’s Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability
Kyoto University’s Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability was launched in April 2013 as a 5-year graduate school for implementation of the Shisyu-Kan Program, which was adopted in 2012 as part of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s Doctoral Course Education Leading Program. Its aim is to establish integrated studies of human survivability in order to resolve the societal issues affects the survival of humankind, with a mission of nurturing global leaders who can engage in social reform orientated towards integrated studies of human survivability.
Professor Naoko Tosa (iU super-guest professor) of the Art Innovation Industry-Academia Collaboration Course is collaborating and interacting with iU students at iU’s Virtual Lab. 

■Message from Professor Naoko Tosa of Kyoto University Art Innovation Industry-Academia Collaboration Course
Ichiya Nakamura has worked for many years as a researcher and policymaker in Japan’s communications and media. With experience of engaging with band-related activities together with great passion for the arts, Mr. Nakamura is in a position to communication to the government opinions relating to positioning of the arts, a vision for the future of the arts, and media policy. We are living in uncertain times and it is hard to envisage what the post-COVID world will be like, but I believe that Mr. Nakamura’s opinions based on his knowledge and expertise will help to form guidelines for the survival of humankind. 
By inviting Mr. Nakamura to become a specially-appointed professor on the Art Innovation Industry-Academia Collaboration Course, I hope that he will be able to stimulate art innovation activities by making use of his activities as President of iU and his strong government connections, leading to expansion of the scope and visibility of activities at the Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability. 

■Message from President Ichiya Nakamura 
My heart is beating quickly at the thought of cooperating with Kyoto University, my alma mater. While enrolled there I spent much of my time involved in band-related activities, but Kyoto University is a deep and wide establishment that welcomes everyone, from mavericks like me to Nobel Prize-winning researchers. Through collaboration between iU, which innovates in ICT and business, and Kyoto University, which promotes art innovation, I hope that we can bring about a post-COVID renaissance. To begin with, our aim is to communicate with the world at the Expo 2025 in Osaka, and we will construct projects to that end. 




中村 伊知哉