Setolabo衛生検査所 関西国際PCR海外渡航センター(予約サイト):https://setolabo.jp/umeda/
名称:Setolabo衛生検査所 関西国際PCR海外渡航センター(大阪府PCR検査センター内併設)
住所:〒543-0071 大阪府大阪市天王寺区生玉町2−3 小出ビル 401
(Koide building 401, Ikutama chou 2-3, Tennouji-ku, Osaka city, Osaka, JAPAN 543-0071 )
大阪メトロ谷町線・千日前線 谷町9丁目駅 徒歩1分
Google map: https://goo.gl/maps/W9SCu6ZBxuB7hLT26
Setolabo laboratory Kansai International PCR travel center
Setolabo laboratory website: https://setolabo.jp/en/home-2/
Kansai International PCR travel center website(Booking page): https://setolabo.jp/en/osaka-umeda/
Setolabo laboratory would like to announce of the establishment of Kansai International PCR travel center in the center of OSAKA city.
Each country started easing travel restrictions for overseas, but there is a possibility to get COVID-19 infection even you had your vaccinations. Thus, each country sets requirement to submit negative certificate of your PCR test when you enter the country.
In Japan, mainly health care and medical facilities were used to issue negative certificate for overseas travel. However, the public health center (Hokenjyo), government of Japan has now approved that a sanitary laboratory can issue negative certificate for overseas travel. Thus, we have established Kansai International PCR travel center. Since negative certificate issued by medical centers is expensive and it takes longer to receive the certificate, it was hard for many people who wish to travel overseas. Setolabo laboratory now sets low price for negative certificate for travel overseas.
Also, there is a risk of not getting your negative certificate before your flights when you have PCR test at other PCR centers or use postal PCR self-test kit. This is because they use outsourcing laboratory or postal delays. In order to resolve this issue, we use own transport system and own laboratory in Osaka, which makes available time of the test results as short as possible. Also, we send specimens to laboratory 10 times a day, so we are now able to provide the test result in minimum 1hour 45minutues.(Start on June 2022)
Most of PCR tests in Setolabo laboratory are entrusted by the government. We were also in charge of PCR testing of the Tokyo Olympics 2021. We are closely working with aged care facilities in Osaka to do screening test as well.
You can use train or bus without transit from Namba, Osaka to Kansai International Airport (KIX). Thus, after your test is done, you can take a train to the airport, and you can receive your negative certificate as a PDF file by email at the airport. Of course, you can receive it at any destinations including other airports.
We provide customer support 24/7 by phone after we issued your negative certificate. If you have any problems at the airport, you can call us directly and we will help you.
We provide our website with multiple languages, and we hope it is easy for people from different countries to use our services as well as Japanese people. Setolabo laboratory is currently working on alliance with some airlines and we are expecting more customers who take international flights.
Address: Kansai International PCR Travel center (Setolabo Osaka PCR center)
Koide building 401, Ikutama chou 2-3, Tennouji-ku, Osaka city, Osaka, JAPAN 543-0071
Osaka metro Tanimachi 9choume station / 1min walk
Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/W9SCu6ZBxuB7hLT26
*Please check our website for the most updated information before you visit.
* Kansai International PCR travel center is for checking your negative result and issuing negative certificate. If you are unwell or have any symptoms of COVID, please go to your nearest hospital. Please contact us if any questions.
Benefits to have your PCR test done in Osaka city before going to the airport
・You can stay overnight in Osaka and have time for sightseeing and shopping
・Reasonable price for PCR test than one at the airport
・Hotel price is much cheaper than one around the airport
・Easy access to the airport
合同会社Setolabo 担当:金子