鹿児島県大崎町が「ピエール・エルメ・パリ」を日本で展開するPH PARIS JAPON㈱と、シティプロモーション強化に関する連携協定を締結 ※English follows Japanese



 鹿児島県大崎町(町長:東 靖弘)とPH PARIS JAPON株式会社(代表取締役社長:リシャール・ルデュ)は、9月3日(火)、地域資源を活用した産業振興や交流人口の拡大を目的とした、シティプロモーション強化に関する連携協定を締結しました。大崎町は、「SDGs」の推進、および2017年度より行っている「食産業振興プロジェクト」の一環として、本協定のもと、特産品の開発や地域資源のPR等、PH PARIS JAPON㈱との連携による多角的な活動を通して、大崎ブランドを世界に発信し、地方創生を推進します。

 具体的な取り組みの第1弾として、ピエール・エルメが選りすぐった日本の素晴らしいものを、東京丸の内から世界へ発信するコンセプトショップ世界第1号店「Made in ピエール・エルメ」にて、大崎町の特産品であるうなぎを使用したカフェメニューを9月中旬より販売します。

東靖弘大崎町長とPH PARIS JAPON㈱リシャール・ルデュ社長東靖弘大崎町長とPH PARIS JAPON㈱リシャール・ルデュ社長



 これらの取り組みを加速するため、今回、世界を代表するパティスリーでありながら、パティスリー界の枠組みを超えて様々な企業やアーティストとの協働を行うPH PARIS JAPON㈱を本町に招致したところ、本町の豊富な食材はもとより、リサイクル事業の国際展開と人材育成を中心とした「循環型地域経営モデル」に取り組む姿勢に共感し、地場産業の振興とブランド化の推進を図るために連携することとなりました。


【PH PARIS JAPON㈱ リシャール・ルデュ社長によるコメント】
 私たちPH PARIS JAPON㈱は、独創的なアイデアと技能により、このポテンシャルに溢れる大崎町の資源を活かし、さらなる発展に寄与したいと考えています。今回の連携により、ますます多くの方に大崎町の真価を感じていただけるようになることを願っています。

(1)9月中旬より、大崎町産のうなぎを使用したフードメニューを「Made in ピエール・エルメ」(東京・丸


代表者名:町長 東靖弘



Osaki Town (Kagoshima Prefecture) signs a partnership agreement with PH PARIS JAPON Co., Ltd. (developing Pierre Hermé Paris in Japan) for strengthening city promotions.
-Implemented multi-faceted city promotion measures with global brand support-

Osaki Town, Kagoshima Prefecture (Mayor: Yasuhiro Higashi) and PH PARIS JAPON Co., Ltd. (President: Richard Ledu) concluded a cooperation agreement on September 3rd to enhance city promotion aimed at industries utilizing local resources and increase the number of visitors. As part of the promotion of SDGs and the Food Industry Promotion Project (since FY2017), Osaki Town promotes regional revitalization through multi-faceted activities in collaboration with PH PARIS JAPON Co., Ltd. to spread awareness of the Osaki brand worldwide, including development of specialty products and local resource PR.

 To commence these special initiatives, the world's first ’Made in Pierre Hermé’ concept shop (in Marunouchi, Tokyo) introduced the town’s regional dish ‘Unagi’(eel) to its menu from mid-September. The shop showcases outstanding Japanese products (selected by Pierre Hermé) worldwide.




Yasuhiro Higashi, Mayor of Osaki Town and Richard Ledu, President of PH PARIS JAPONYasuhiro Higashi, Mayor of Osaki Town and Richard Ledu, President of PH PARIS JAPON

【Background and Purpose of Agreement】
Osaki Town, a treasure trove of culinary delights that has achieved the highest number of donations in regards to Furusato Nozei* in Japan (2015, town and village category). For the purpose of branding (and raising awareness of) a wide variety of foods, Osaki Town has been conducting product development and organizing collaborative events with renowned chefs since FY2017 (Food Industry Promotion Project). In addition this year, Osaki Town is implementing regional revitalization with food, such as conducting tours that introduce producers and famous chefs.
※Furusato Nozei is tax incentive scheme for providing financial support to smaller, less funded municipalities.
To accelerate these efforts, Osaki Town invited PH PARIS JAPON Co., Ltd., a world-class patisserie with a history of collaborating with various companies and artisans (not only from the patisserie field) to work with us, implementing a recycling regional management model (centered on both international development of recycling and human resource development and the area’s abundant ingredients), thus, promoting local industry and branding.

【Cooperative Agenda】
Both parties shall work together on the following matters to achieve the objectives outlined above.
 (1) PR of agricultural, livestock and fishery products and processed products in Osaki Town
 (2) Promotion of agriculture and the fisheries industry in Osaki Town through joint product development
 (3) PR/development of a recycle system
 (4) Food education and human resource development and exchange

【Message from Richard Ledu – President, PH PARIS JAPON Co., Ltd.】
On my first visit to Osaki Town, I was immediately struck by the quality of ingredients borne from its beautiful nature and fertile land. Resource recycling–something the town’s people, companies, and municipalities have worked together on for many years–is both a symbol of the honesty and spirit of the people of Osaki Town and an asset that Japan is justly proud of. PH PARIS JAPON Co., Ltd. wishes to contribute to further development by utilizing the resources of Osaki Town through innovative ideas and specialist skills. It is my sincere hope that, through this collaboration, more and more people will feel the true value of Osaki Town.

 【Specific initiatives planned】
(1) Eel from Osaki Town to be a menu item at ‘Made in Pierre Hermé’ at Marunouchi, Tokyo, from mid-September.
(2) Sale of sweets produced in collaboration with Osaki Town and Pierre Hermé at the Pierre Hermé Paris store
(3) Organization of art projects (in collaboration with artists) on the theme of resource recycling
(4) Production and sale of goods, supervised by Pierre Hermé, through art projects

【About Osaki Town, Kagoshima Prefecture】
Osaki Town is located on the Osumi peninsula where the vast Shirasu (white sand) plateau provides an abundance of nature. As a local government, the town has been nationally ranked 1st for 12 years for recycling, and was awarded the 2nd Japan SDGs Award Deputy-Chiefs’ Award (by Chief Cabinet Secretary). These initiatives have become known internationally as the “Osaki System”. With its warm climate and abundant spring water, Osaki Town produces a significant portion of Japan’s agricultural and livestock products, which it constantly strives to produce to the highest quality.

URL: https://www.town.kagoshima-osaki.lg.jp/
Location: 1029 Karijyuku, Osaki-cho, Soo-gun, Kagoshima Prefecture
Mayor: Yasuhiro Higashi

【About Pierre Hermé】
Pierre Hermé is a leading figure in the patisserie world. Heir to four generations of Alsatian pastry-making tradition, he began his career at the age of 14 as an apprentice to Gaston Lenôtre. His passion is only matched by his creative drive, and is forever eager to share his knowledge of Haute Patisserie (high-class confectionery).
Adored by sweet aficionados, respected by industry contemporaries, and hailed by Vogue Magazine as “The Picasso of Pastry”, his genius is recognized worldwide.
Showcasing unwavering attention to ingredients and precise techniques, Pierre’s exquisite creations are the epitome of sheer beauty. Heeding his own maxim “The only guideline is the joy of flavor”, he has created a truly unique world that masterfully encompasses taste, sensitivity, and joy.

【Further inquiries】
Kagoshima Osaki Town Hall, Planning and Coordination Division, Commerce and Industry Promotion Section (Furusato Nozei Team)
Persons in Charge: S.Takehara, R.Nakahama
TEL: +81-99-476-1111 FAX: +81-99-476-3979
E-Mail: furusatoi@town.kagoshima-osaki.lg.jp





東 靖弘