iU イノプロ「ピッチフェス サタデーハッカソン」最優秀チームを選出
iU(東京都墨田区、学長 中村伊知哉、http://www.i-u.ac.jp)は、ビジネス実践科目「イノベーションプロジェクト(以下:イノプロ)」で、2年生を対象にしたビジネスプランのピッチフェスを開催し、最優秀企画を選出しました。
仁木隆大(Abelia Capital)
湯田将紀(Z Venture Capital)
●チーム名:「Style Muse」
Style Museは、手持ちの服を登録するだけでその日の予定や天気・気分にピッタリのコーデをAIが提案してくれる、次世代のファッションアプリです!

●リーダー 柴田花菜・松澤美波

Winning Team Selected for iU Innovation Project Pitchfest & Saturday Hackathon
The Innovation Project (InnoPro), a practical business course at iU (Sumida-ku, Tokyo; President: Ichiya Nakamura; http://www.i-u.ac.jp), held a business plan pitchfest for second-year students and selected a winning project.
iU, which aims to have all of its students start businesses, has developed a curriculum fostering knowledge and skills acquisition in the fields of ICT, business, and global communications, and was the No. 1 university in Japan in 2023 in terms of the percentage of graduates starting businesses (according to iU research).
As part of this curriculum, the Innovation Project is a required course that lies at the core of the university's learning. This is a hands-on course in which all students create and present an entrepreneurial plan.
A summary of the InnoPro can also be viewed on the InnoPro website (https://iuinnovation.jp/).
Event Overview
The second-year iU students worked throughout the first and second semesters to create business plans that solved set challenges using their own experiences and ideas as well as themes focused on social issues. Six teams were selected through presentations in each class and voting by classmates, and they made their final pitches in front of five venture capitalists who served as judges.
●Date and Time
February 1, 2025 (Sat) from 1:00-3:00 PM
Takahiro Niki(Abelia Capital)
Yuka Nishikawa (Monex Ventures)
Masaki Yuda (Z Venture Capital)
Hikaru Toyoda (BCG Inc.)
●Judging Criteria
Judging was based on six criteria: newness/originality, feasibility, marketability, sustainability, scalability, and presentation.
Winning Team
●Team Name: Style Muse
●Business Summary:
Bringing new excitement to everyday outfits!
Style Muse is a next-generation fashion app where users register the clothes they have on hand, and then an AI will suggest the perfect outfit for their schedule, weather, and mood that day!
It also includes a feature that allows users to react to suggestions and a clipping function that analyzes the user’s favorite fashions for use in future suggestions!
It reduces time spent worrying about what to wear and brings out the user’s confidence and smile!

●Leaders: Hana Shibata/Minami Matsuzawa
We didn’t think we had a shot at winning, so we’re really surprised and happy.
This business plan was inspired by the everyday struggle of college students in Tokyo to coordinate outfits, since going to school in their own clothes (instead of a uniform) is new for them. They want to look their best every day.
We started working on this theme in the first semester but weren’t able to successfully put it into a business plan. In the second semester, we reviewed our team meeting methods, and by having more intense weekly meetings outside of class, I think we were able to work more as a team than in the previous semester, sharing ideas and opinions as a team.
In addition, we were able to conduct Proof-of-Concept verification with the help of our classmates, and received advice from the advising instructor and others on how to polish our work. A lot of people had a hand in achieving today’s result.
About the InnoPro
For more details about this project, see the InnovPro website (https://iuinnovation.jp/).
You can also follow us on X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram.
